WisDems: One week later: Eric Hovde still refuses to answer questions about conflicts of interest and relationship with foreign governments propping up his bank

MADISON, Wis. — It’s been over a week since Eric Hovde finally filed his personal financial disclosure, which revealed he is worth upwards of half a billion dollars, and likely significantly more, which would make him the wealthiest Senator, if he wins. Since then he has repeatedlyrefused to answer questions from multiple Wisconsin reporters about his conflicts of interest and financial entanglements. 

Much of Hovde’s wealth comes from his ownership of Sunwest Bank, which he is refusing to sell if he is elected to the Senate, meaning he wants to continue to own and profit from his ownership of his $3.2 billion bank while voting on banking regulatory policy, and could even vote to use taxpayer money to bail out his own bank. 

Hovde’s refusal to sell Sunwest Bank if he is elected comes as recent reports about Sunwest Bank’s finances revealed that his bank started receiving deposits from foreign governments immediately before he launched his Senate campaign.

Hovde needs to come clean with Wisconsinites:

  1. How much is he actually worth? 
  2. Which foreign governments is his bank taking money from? China? Russia? Iran? 
  3. Why did Hovde’s bank start accepting money from foreign governments as he planned his Senate campaign?
  4. How can we trust he will vote in the interests of Wisconsinites and not his bank and his investments?
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