WisDems: Eric Hovde’s divisive campaign of insulting Wisconsinites over and over again

MADISON, Wis. — Eric Hovde talks a big game about wanting to stop putting on the “red jerseys and blue jerseys” and instead “put on the red, white, and blue jerseys.” But he’s run a dark and divisive campaign, attacking Wisconsinites of all stripes.

A list of Hovde’s insults:

  • Hovde insulted a Wisconsin mother, Brooke, who lost her son to illicit fentanyl, saying it was “beneath any human being” for Tammy Baldwin to tell Brooke’s story.
  • Hovde said nursing home residents shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
  • Hovde said his political opponents are ‘a curse on society.’
  • Hovde said ‘females’ don’t pay attention to politics because they are too focused on Hollywood.
  • Hovde said he understands Black culture because he’s been to Africa.
  • Hovde has a history of using anti-Semitic slurs. 
  • Hovde accused those who disagree with him politically of ‘lacking morals and ethics.’
  • Hovde said people who struggle with their weight should face ‘consequences’ and be forced to pay more for health care.
  • Hovde said single parents put their kids on a ‘direct path to a life of poverty.’
  • Hovde said young people and college students lack ‘work ethic’ and are ‘so stupid.’
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