Party activists serving as Wisconsin delegates to Democratic National Convention enthusiastic about Harris-Walz ticket

By Gregg Hoffmann
For WisPolitics

When Joe Biden left the Democratic top of the ticket and endorsed his vice president, the move sparked praise for Biden’s move and a surge of enthusiasm and money for Harris.

Party activists serving as delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago WisPolitics interviewed share that enthusiasm. 

“President Joe Biden is an excellent president, and I knew he would do the right thing for the country,” said Deb Dassow, a delegate from Ozaukee County. “Vice President Harris has the experience, the intelligence, and the fortitude to be an excellent president. She could not have gotten where she is today without being tough and smart.

“I attended her first rally in West Allis; amazing energy. I have done doors and will continue to do doors for Harris. As the Ozaukee County chair and 6th CD chair, I have helped organize events for all of our Assembly, state Senate, and congressional candidates. The energy and willingness of folks to volunteer is over the top. Our small office had over 70 people watching President Biden’s speech when he told the country he would not accept the nomination. The requests for yard signs at our County Fair booth was like I have never seen it. People are truly excited.”

Dassow, a retired teacher and coach and president of the Kettle Moraine Retired Teachers Union, will be attending her third DNC.  She was an alternate in 1988 in Atlanta, and a Biden delegate in 2020 in Milwaukee. She’s been a Democrat since 1986.

“It is a lot easier to be a Republican in the county and CD in which I live, but we are pushing the areas blue,” Dassow said of the area north of Milwaukee County. “I have people stop me when I am out for a walk telling me how wonderful Kamala is and how much they admire Tim Walz.  It is joyful.”

Donald Dantzler, a delegate from the Fitchburg area near Madison, also notices the enthusiasm and feels it himself. “I am excited about Vice President Harris as the nominee,” Dantzler said.  “She’s been in the administration for the past four years and has a unique perspective on the agenda moving forward but would now have the prospect of more autonomy to incorporate more of her vision. President Biden is confident in her abilities, former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama have given their endorsements, along with other key Democrats and donors, so I feel confident about her candidacy.”

Dantzler, 35, works for the Department of Public Instruction on the Title I Continuous Improvement Team as an Urban Education Consultant. He also serves as the Board Chairman of Madison Area Technical College and Education Chair of the 100 Black Men of Madison, Inc.

“I’ve been a voting Democrat since 2008, which marked the first election I was age- eligible to vote,” he said. “As far as being active as an elected official or delegate, this is my first year. I was elected to the City Council in Fitchburg on April 2 and hit the ground running.”

Dantzler plans to work for Democratic candidates. “As a voting delegate in the state, I have been actively engaging in campaign work for Vice President Harris and plan to continue to do so through the election. Furthermore, I plan to engage in campaign work for the re-election of Tammy Baldwin and others on the ballot.”

Shawn Reents, a delegate from Janesville, is an international labor representative for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. He is a past chairman of the Rock County Democratic Party and currently serves as the deputy chair.

“I was a pledged delegate to President Biden and a strong supporter of what he has done in office and the direction forward he demonstrated,”he said. “I am just as confident that Vice President Harris and Gov. Walz will continue that path forward.”

He was a delegate to the mostly virtual 2020 convention. 

“I’m looking forward to a more traditional convention where we can meet in-person with other delegates and work on issues,” he told the Janesville Gazette. “One issue I’m particularly interested in is the broad area of infrastructure.

“At the convention I want to make sure we remain on track with the gains in infrastructure we have made under the Biden administration,” Reents said.

Marsie Hartman became active with the party last year and will be serving as a delegate for her first time in Chicago representing the 8th CD. 

“I am humbled, honored and proud to represent CD 8 of the Wisconsin Delegation, particularly Door County and Sturgeon Bay,” she said. “It is an overwhelming responsibility for which I am ever so grateful to be a part of this historic time in our democracy.”

Hartman, 71, has worked for the last 35 years helping people with disabilities in the areas of policy, legislation, Social Security Administration work incentives and customized employment. She has two children and eight grandchildren. 

She said she has “always believed in and supported President Biden,” but says she fells joy with Harris moving to the helm. “I Believe in the Hope for Democracy in the U.S.A.,” she wrote in an email to WisPolitics. 

Hartman says she’s been volunteering for the Harris-Walz campaign as well as on behalf of U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, 8th CD candidate Dr. Kristin Lyerly and 1st AD candidate Renee Paplham.

In addition to grassroots party activists, a bevy of elected officials and other prominent Dems are also serving as delegates. Among them: Baldwin, U.S. Reps Gwen Moore and Mark Pocan, Gov. Tony Evers and first lady Kathleen Evers, Lt. Gov. Sara Rodriguez, AG Josh Kaul, Secretary of State Sarah Godlewski, State Superintendent Jill Underly, Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson, Milwaukee County Exec David Crowley, Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway and other officials. 

See the full list here

Delegate spotlight

Donald Dantzler

District – Fitchburg

Conventions – Will be his first.

Professional Background – ELected in April to the Fitchburg City Council. Works for the Department of Public Instruction on the Title I Continuous Improvement Team as an Urban Education Consultant. He also serves as the Board Chairman of Madison Area Technical College and Education Chair of the 100 Black Men of Madison, Inc.

Political Involvement – “I’ve been a voting Democrat since 2008 which marked the first election I was age eligible to vote,” he said. “As far as being active as an elected official or delegate, this is my first year. I was elected to the City Council in Fitchburg, WI. on April 2 and hit the ground running.”

On Harris-Walz ticket – “I am excited about Vice President Harris as the nominee,” Dantzler said.  “She’s been in the administration for past the four years and has a unique perspective on the agenda moving forward but would now have the prospect of more autonomy to incorporate more of her vision. President Biden is confident in her abilities, former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama have given their endorsements, along with other key Democrats and donors, so I feel confident about her candidacy.”

Deb Dassow

District – Represents Ozaukee County

Professional Background – A retired teacher and coach and president of the Kettle Moraine Retired Teachers Union.

Conventions – She will be attending her third DNC.  She was an alternate in 1988 in Atlanta, and a Biden delegate in 2020 in Milwaukee.

Political Involvement – She’s been a Democrat since 1986. Ozaukee County Chair and 6th CD chair.

On Harris-Walz ticket – “I attended her first rally in West Allis, amazing energy. I have done doors and will continue to do doors for Harris. As the Ozaukee County Chair and 6th CD Chair, I have helped organize events for all of our Assembly, State Senate, and Congressional Candidates. The energy and willingness of folks to volunteer is over the top. Our small office had over 70 people watching President Biden’s speech when he told the country he would not accept the nomination. The requests for yard signs at our County Fair booth was like I have never seen it. People are truly excited.”

Marsie Hartman

Door County, Sturgeon Bay area

Has worked for the last 35 years helping people with disabilities in the areas of policy, legislation, Social Security Administration work incentives and customized employment.

This is her first time as a delegate. 

Historical tidbit: Her parents were active with the Republican Party in her hometown of Evanston, Illinois. “My mother was an election judge and my father was a City Alderman. We once hosted then candidate, Donald Rumsfeld at a Coffee in our home.”

On Harris: “I Believe in the Hope for Democracy in the U.S.A. I feel Joy!!”

Shawn Reents

District – Janesville/Rock County

Professional Background – Reents is an international labor representative for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.

Conventions – He was a delegate to the mostly virtual 2020 convention

Political Involvement – Reents is a past chairman of the Rock County Democratic Party and currently serves as the deputy chair.

On the Harris-Walz ticket – “I was a pledged delegate to President Biden and a strong supporter of what he has done in office and the direction forward he demonstrated.  I am just as confident that Vice President Harris and Gov. Walz will continue that path forward.”

Some of the info on Reents comes from a Janesville Gazette story.

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