Milwaukee County Celebrates Voter Education Week! – Blogging Blue
This is National Voter Education Week! It’s a perfect time to learn how elections work and are administered in Wisconsin.Here are some interesting facts about Wisconsin elections:
• Wisconsin has the most decentralized voting system in the United States. • Elections are administered at the local (cities, towns, and villages) level, and there are 1,850 municipalities in Wisconsin. • There will be more than 2,500 active polling places across Wisconsin on election day, over 250 locations in Milwaukee County. • Unofficial election results are provided to the county after the polls close at 8:00 p.m., and after all eligible ballots have been counted. Please be patient on Election Day. We expect to have a high turnout election and ballots will be counted as expeditiously as possible – and it takes time to count votes. State law requires the county to compile and post those results within 2 hours of receipt. |
Have questions about the administration of elections in Wisconsin? Contact your trusted sources of election information at the Milwaukee County Election Commission at 414-278-4060.
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