How To Write An Article For Your Business

Why Should You Start Writing Articles?

Business writing refers to any piece of written content you create to talk about your company and its services directly or indirectly. From case study articles and blog posts to newsletters and brochures, the benefits are abundant. Knowing how to write an article and find websites that accept article submissions allows you to showcase your expertise in your field and express your opinions on burning topics. But how can a single article get people to buy your product? Reading your insights allows customers to grasp your credibility and promotes your services. If your article hooks them, they will most likely check out your products and consider them for purchase. You may include your content in demand generation campaigns to establish thought leadership. However, if you are new to the game, you may not be able to promote your articles to large audiences. Marketing savants, like eLearning Industry, can help you reach hundreds of thousands of potential clients who are actively looking for solutions.

Keep reading to discover tips on how to write an article and how we can help you promote it online.

Leverage our content marketing strategies to reach highly targeted corporate training buyers.

Reach highly targeted audiences to give added meaning to your business articles.

A Step-By-Step Plan On How To Start Writing Business Articles

1. Define Your Subject

When you start building your strategic marketing plan, content writing is probably at the top of your B2B marketing tactics. You may be tempted to promote your services in every single paragraph, but you should refrain from it. Find a topic your audience cares about, include precious information, and periodically mention how your product can solve relevant issues and provide assistance. For instance, if you want to promote a PPC directory of payroll software, you may create an article explaining why marketing is essential for payroll sales to surge. Write something that adds value to your brand and highlights your industry knowledge.

2. Identify Your Audience

Who are you targeting? Is it people in your industry, outsiders, or people who simply want to learn more about your field? Once you know who you’re talking to, you should pick subjects that interest them and choose the appropriate tone and language. Even if a large part of your readers are industry-related, avoid adding technical jargon that may confuse everyone else reading your blog. Guest blogging sites may also refuse to publish your article if it’s too complicated or be forced to make heavy edits to make it more approachable. Ask your high-performing marketing team to let you know the demographics of your audience and proceed accordingly.

3. Add Keywords

No matter how well you write articles, no one will discover them unless you add relevant keywords and phrases. Utilize your SEO skills by first researching to identify the most popular keywords your competitors use to rank highly in SERPs. Make a list of the top keywords and incorporate them wisely into your text. Don’t stuff your content with them, though, as it will negatively affect your ranking. Additionally, you may start adding contextual links that boost awareness and increase your social media shares. Combining an interesting topic with good SEO practices generates actual interest from people who are actively searching for solutions in your field.

4. Create A Clear Outline

Content marketing experts will agree that without structure, your article is worthless. The best business articles typically consist of several headings and subheadings, bullet points, and enumerated points that create short paragraphs and sections based on the various talking points. Even if you’re not using subheadings, make sure to split your texts into smaller paragraphs so it’s easy-flowing. Start by introducing the topic to your audience and continue with the main body of information. Conclude your articles with the key takeaways, focusing on the most important aspects of your content.

5. Add Visual Elements

While adding photos and various visuals helps explain your topics further, most marketing leaders will advise you to use them minimally. Incorporate informative and relevant images, illustrations, infographics, and videos that enhance your content and break long text, making them easily readable. However, you may have limited resources for purchasing or creating visual elements. If you don’t have an in-house graphic designer, you probably have to purchase your material online or outsource your needs. In these cases, keep the number of photos limited per article submission so your spending doesn’t get out of hand.

6. Edit And Proofread

Most content-posting websites edit and proofread your content before publishing it, but you should go through this stage, as well. Fine-tuning your work means that you fix any spelling and grammar issues so others read your articles effortlessly. Your structure may also need improvement if paragraphs are too long. Moreover, ask yourself, “Does the final product reflect my topic and address my audience’s pain points?” Sometimes we lose focus while writing. This is your opportunity to regain focus and ensure your article speaks to the right people.

3 Elements You Should Avoid

1. Plagiarism

Writing articles for your business is demanding and takes a lot of time. Still, don’t fall into the trap of copying other authors’ work and claiming it’s all yours. You can read other material, draw information, and form your own perspective and language. Remember that Google despises heavily plagiarized content and does not help it rank higher on engine results. So, not only do you create copycat articles, but you also bring very few visitors to your website. Moreover, while the benefits of AI in marketing are immense, some creators choose to paraphrase content to avoid plagiarism. You must avoid this practice, too, and invest time and effort into creating content.

2. Thin Content

If you’re wondering about how not to write an article, you should know that 500-word articles about business aren’t enough in our day and age. Even websites accepting article submissions are searching for longer reads that are at least 1000 words long. Fewer words don’t allow you to form your thoughts and establish credibility in your field. Your content must be informative, descriptive, and complete. So, take a few more sentences to explain your views in detail and avoid any misunderstandings.

3. Complicated Language

Why should you avoid using complicated vocabulary and jargon? We can think of two reasons. Firstly, your lead generation techniques attract audiences from various backgrounds. From people who are now starting their journey to established experts, everyone should read your content effortlessly. If readers can’t make sense of your writing, they’ll probably exit your domain and be left with a bad taste in their mouths. Additionally, complex language is bad for your SEO. So, create short paragraphs with easy-to-understand vocabulary.

How To Find Guest Post Opportunities

Someone may ask, “Do I need to search through hundreds of websites manually to find publications that accept contributed articles?” Typically, this is the process. However, others have already gone through it and shared their results with you for free. You can find such lists online and visit the websites whose content aligns with your niche. You can find three types of article submission opportunities. First, we have free guest post websites, those that constantly seek contributors, and authority blogs that shine a light on you and bring traffic to their website, too. Naturally, authority websites offer the most benefits for content marketing for B2B, as their audiences are highly targeted and they implement effective SEO. Remember that you have to use trustworthy backlinks and not choose spammy domains. Authoritative free guest posting and guest blogging websites will probably remove these links anyway before publication.

Business Writing Examples You Can Follow To Reach Audiences

eBooks And Handbooks

Let’s start with handbooks. Typically, these documents are written by the HR department and offer employees clear guidelines regarding their job’s requirements, benefits, and company policies. On the other hand, eBooks are directed toward your potential clients. Apart from serving as promising gated content, they educate audiences. If you have a number of articles written on the same topic, you may compile them into an eBook. eLearning Industry can promote your written creations or craft an eBook from scratch based on your requirements.

Press Releases

It’s not only article submissions that boost your visibility but also press releases from trustworthy figures. If you have wonderful news about your company or want to generate buzz about an upcoming event, you can utilize press releases. For instance, you may need to promote your webinar or participation at a popular conference. Most article submission websites require you to provide them with a title, description, and contact information. Make sure the body of your content isn’t more than 500 words long. Additionally, you can add some details about your company so readers get to know you better.


One of the most popular content marketing ideas for businesses in all sectors is newsletters. Typically, communications or HR professionals craft persuasive messages and send them to everyone on their email list. Email sequences may include trending articles from your website, top-selling products, and upcoming releases. Article submissions are often included, too. The language used in newsletters is more casual, aiming to speak to customers like a good old friend. Visual elements are also added to boost engagement. If your email list is quite limited, you may collaborate with a strong force and get featured in their email sequences for added visibility.

Blog Posts And Articles

These lead magnet ideas usually aim to educate audiences while promoting your business in the most gentle way possible. You can pick your topics based on industry trends and audience preferences. A carefully crafted article can boost sales enablement and establish credibility for your brand. This business writing form is followed during all stages of the buyer journey to foster brand awareness and prove to clients that you are the best suitor for their needs. Don’t forget to add dofollow backlinks that strengthen your SEO and help you rank highly in SERPs.

Business Letters

These formal letters can be sent to employees, business partners, and customers. For instance, sales reps may craft persuasive letters informing their clients about upcoming products and explaining their features in detail. Surely, most companies use emails for such actions, but letters are still an option. While emails can also be personal, letters dial up individuality as you may explain to each customer how your new product can help their company in particular. This makes them feel unique and highly valued.

The 4 Types Of Business Writing


If you’re looking for business article examples, instructional content provides guidance and detailed information to readers about how to use a specific product or service. Memos, manuals, guides, and specifications fall under this category. Depending on the audience you’re targeting and their knowledge of the matter, you should include highly detailed step-by-step directions. This is a more technical aspect of business writing that is invaluable to both clients and employees, as your manual may explain how your team members should operate complicated machinery.


This business writing model aims to create descriptive and illuminating articles that keep your audience and employees updated regarding industry and company news. Your B2B content marketing efforts focus on promoting reports and other trending topics your writing personnel write about. You may also highlight your business success and progress and the activities that accelerate business growth.


If you want to write an article for a website that will end up in increased sales, your content should be persuasive. We’re not talking about overexaggerating your products’ value but highlighting their benefits in the best way possible. Blog posts, ads, press releases, and brochures fall under this category. Your content writing should shed the most positive light on your services and convince clients that you are a leader in your field and a perfect collaborator. One article example that works great for showcasing credibility is case studies. Why not collaborate with a trustworthy platform to promote your case study and target the right audience?


Apart from article submissions, companies often have to write emails, letters, forms, and invoices, informing team members and clients about day-to-day operations. For instance, a sales consultant should write and send invoices to paying customers explaining their company’s services in depth and disclosing prices. Another good example is dismissal notices, where a manager informs people regarding the reasoning behind their contract termination.

How To Get An Article Written About You

No matter how many articles you write about your company and your industry knowledge, they won’t be able to get too much visibility unless a trusted figure publishes and promotes the content. So, if you want to get more customers and generate new leads, you should invest more time to learn about article submissions. Publication websites, like eLearning Industry, can help you publish original and existing articles that you create based on your audience’s preferences. We just edit, proofread, and promote your content in our emails. Additionally, Q&A articles and interviews are wonderful at establishing thought leadership and showcasing who you are and what you do. Take a look at this Q&A article to get an idea of what it looks like. Lastly, advertorial articles are a combo of ads and editorial content. Basically, you create an informative article that blends with the promo content seamlessly, offering valuable insights to audiences while stimulating interest in your products. Click the link to discover how you can leverage our expertise and promote your content.

Write For Us: How To Submit An Article On eLearning Industry

If you already know how to write an article and want to expand your reach by partnering up with a trusted figure, we’re here for you. Article submissions are always welcome in eLearning Industry, as we allow you to shine as a thought leader in your niche. You can add your unique flair and personal branding and enjoy the credibility our brand offers. You can choose between free and sponsored articles and submit your article to the top platform for your niche. With guest posts, our team edits and proofreads your article while strengthening its SEO and promoting it in our daily newsletter. You can also include backlinks to authoritative websites. However, with sponsored articles, you get so much more. From integrated SEO and backlinks to promotional content to mentioning your own brand, the possibilities and benefits are immense. Start writing for eLearning Industry and enjoy all the tremendous opportunities for growth.

Key Takeaway

Now that you know the steps to writing an article, do you feel ready to submit your content? Once you’ve done your customer profiling and identified your target audience, you should pick your subjects and create unique content, avoiding plagiarism and complex language. Include relevant keywords to improve your SEO and add a few visuals that engage readers further. Before publishing an article on your website or submitting it to a guest posting site, edit and proofread it to fix any errors.

Business writing comes in various forms, including newsletters, professional letters, eBooks, and press releases. Maybe you don’t need to invest time and effort in all of them, but as your company grows, your promotional campaigns should expand, too. Whether your writing content is informational, persuasive, instructional, or transactional, you must employ talented writers who can create transcending material that attracts audiences and boosts your sales.

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