Fact sheet – Trump’s Project 2025 agenda will harm Wisconsin families – WisPolitics

This evening, Donald Trump will once again try to lie about his unpopular, dangerous Project 2025 agenda for Wisconsinites – but they won’t buy it. They know that a vote for Trump is a vote for a redo of his failed, trickle-down economic policies that sold Wisconsin families out to benefit the ultra-wealthy; for further attacks on women’s reproductive freedom and affordable health care; and for continued attacks on American democracy. Voters across Wisconsin know that Vice President Kamala Harris is the only candidate in this race prepared to stand up for working families and defend their rights and freedoms.

“Tonight’s debate will make clear to voters across Wisconsin that Donald Trump and his Project 2025 allies are hellbent on taking us backwards. Trump’s Project 2025 agenda would force a dark, dangerous vision onto Wisconsinites – one that threatens their economic security while catering to billionaires’ interests and strips them of their freedoms,” said DNC Spokesperson Addy Toevs. “Wisconsin families deserve better in the White House than a convicted felon who only looks out for himself and his rich friends while putting the middle class last. Vice President Kamala Harris is prepared to go toe-to-toe with Trump on the debate stage, lay out a new way forward for Wisconsinites, and ensure that Donald Trump never harms them with his Project 2025 agenda.”

Here are the facts on how Trump’s Project 2025 agenda would leave Wisconsin families behind:

Trump’s Project 2025 agenda would rig the economy for the ultra-wealthy at the expense of hardworking, middle-class families across Wisconsin.

  • Trump’s Project 2025 agenda would double down on his Tax Scam that disproportionately benefited the ultra-wealthy and big corporations while leaving the middle-class behind.
  • Trump wants to impose a middle-class tax hike on families – opposed even by top Senate Republicans. 
  • Donald Trump’s Project 2025 playbook – coauthored by top Trump economic advisor Stephen Moore – would raise taxes on middle class families by an average of $5,900, while giving the top 0.1 percent an average of $2 million in giveaways.
  • Top economists have warned that Trump’s agenda would explode the national debt by trillions of dollars, shrink economic growth, and supercharge inflation.

Trump and his Project 2025 allies are hellbent on banning abortion nationwide and are threatening IVF and contraception access.

  • Trump owns every single abortion ban in the country, and his Project 2025 agenda includes a national abortion ban.
  • The Project 2025 mandate includes plans to revoke access to medication abortion by reviving the Comstock Act to ban the shipment of the medication by mail.
  • Project 2025 would force states to surveil and report on women’s miscarriages and abortions.
  • After opening the door to attacks on IVF by overturning Roe, Trump has failed to rule out signing legislation that would threaten to rip away access to the procedure. Now, his Project 2025 allies are scheming to “re-run the Roe playbook on IVF access.

Trump’s Project 2025 agenda would gut the Affordable Care Act and raise health care costs for Wisconsinites.

  • Trump has doubled down on his plan to rip away the Affordable Care Act with no plan to replace it.
  • If Trump gets his way, as many as 2.4 million Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions could be denied coverage or charged thousands of dollars more for coverage.
  • Trump’s Project 2025 allies want to repeal the Inflation Reduction Act’s measures to allow Medicare to negotiate the cost of prescription drugs and cap the cost of insulin at $35 a month for seniors – raising the cost of prescription drugs for up to 298,750 people in Wisconsin.

Trump and his Project 2025 agenda are a threat to democracy, and Trump says he wants to rule as a dictator on “day one.”

  • The Project 2025 agenda includes plans to overhaul the Department of Justice, and give Trump virtually unchecked power to seek vengeance against people who disagree with him. This isn’t an empty threat: Trump has promised to be a dictator on “day one,” has floated imprisoning his enemies, and continues to defend and praise authoritarian leaders.
  • Trump’s Project 2025 agenda would gut the federal workforce by making it easy to fire civil servants and install MAGA loyalists in their place.
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