Duey Stroebel is blocking funding to teach kids to read – WisPolitics

MADISON, Wis. — Yesterday, Duey Stroebel joined WTMJ’s Political Power Hour to call for the release of $50 million in already-approved funding to implement new literacy curricula in schools across Wisconsin. There’s just one snag in Stroebel’s grand avoidance tour: as vice-chair of the Joint Finance Committee, he could release the funding he’s complaining about today if he wanted to.

As Scott Walker’s lackey, Duey Stroebel spent nearly ten years draining public schools of resources and cutting educators off at the knees. Today, Stroebel’s Joint Finance Committee is blocking the release of $50 million to support schools to make changes to reading curricula and teach kids to read. Schools have been forced to take out loans to pay for new materials and instructors—a cost that will be passed down to local taxpayers and working families because Duey Stroebel and Joint Finance Republicans have refused to release the already-approved funding.

“Duey Stroebel’s talk about releasing this funding as soon as possible is disingenuous at best, and intentionally misleading at worst,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Deputy Communications Director Haley McCoy. “Stroebel will say anything to avoid accountability for leaving Wisconsin’s kids behind, because at the end of the day, Duey Stroebel has only one person to blame for blocking the release of literacy funding: himself.”

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