Crawford campaign: Raises over $460,000 in three weeks, breaking previous fundraising records

Crawford’s campaign will report raising more on its first fundraising report than any Wisconsin Supreme Court campaign in history

MADISON, Wis. – In only three weeks since announcing her candidacy for Wisconsin Supreme Court, Judge Susan Crawford’s campaign will report raising over $460,000, more than any candidate for this office has ever reported in this short of a time period.

“The record-breaking support for Judge Susan Crawford’s campaign in just three weeks shows how excited Wisconsinites are for her candidacy and proves they’re serious about keeping a majority on the court who believes in protecting their rights and freedoms,” said Sam Roecker, a spokesperson for Crawford’s campaign. “Wisconsinites trust Judge Crawford to keep communities safe, uphold the law, and stop the all-out effort to turn the court back into a rubber stamp for an extreme right-wing agenda. Throughout her career as a prosecutor, attorney, and now as a Circuit Court Judge, Susan Crawford has always believed in fairness, accountability, and protecting the rights of Wisconsinites – those are the same values she will bring to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.”

In addition to record-breaking fundraising, Judge Crawford has secured key endorsements from her colleagues across the state since announcing her candidacy. She has earned the support of current Supreme Court Justices Ann Walsh Bradley, Rebecca Dallet, Jill Karofsky, and Janet Protasiewicz, as well as former Justice Louis Butler and over 100 judges and court commissioners statewide.

The campaign’s July Continuing Report, which is due on Monday, includes contributions between Judge Crawford’s campaign launch on June 10th and the June 30th campaign finance deadline. The report will show $461,000 raised, with $433,000 cash on hand, and contributions from over 1,800 individuals. On similar reports, Justice Janet Protasiewicz reported raising $168,000 in 2022, Justice Jill Karofsky raised $121,000 in 2018, and Justice Rebecca Dallet raised $270,000 in 2017. On his first finance report as a candidate, which included a longer period of time in the race, right-wing candidate Brad Schimel reported $167,000 raised.

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