Committee to Protect Health Care: Announces endorsements of Congressional candidates in Wisconsin

Doctors celebrate “Care for U.S. Candidates” committed to protecting and expanding health care access

MADISON — The Committee to Protect Health Care today announced its first round of endorsements for U.S. Congress, including candidates running to represent Wisconsin in the U.S. House and Senate. The designated candidates were selected because of their commitment to health care issues, including those such as:

  • Defending the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, and Medicare;
  • Protecting the Inflation Reduction Act and its provisions empowering Medicare to negotiate prescription drug costs and capping insulin and out-of-pocket prescription drug costs for seniors;
  • Supporting site-neutral payment reform legislation;
  • Opposing a national abortion ban and defending reproductive freedom;
  • Protecting the right to abortion and contraception nationwide.

The endorsed candidates include:


Mark Pocan (WI-2)

Ben Steinhoff (WI-5)

John Zarbano (WI-6)

Kyle Kilbourn (WI-7)

Kristin Lyerly (WI-8)


Tammy Baldwin

“The Committee to Protect Health Care is proud to endorse these candidates because of their commitment to protecting and expanding access to affordable health care,” said Dr. Rob Davidson, Executive Director of the Committee to Protect Health Care. “We’re confident that these ‘Care for U.S. Candidates’ will put patients ahead of special interests, defend reproductive freedom, and support legislation to lower health care costs. We look forward to working with them in Congress to ensure everyone in the United States has access to the health care they need to thrive.” 

“Wisconsonites deserve leaders who will fight to expand access to affordable care, ensuring that all residents have access to the health care they need,” said Dr. Ann Helms, a Milwaukee neurologist and the Committee’s Wisconsin State Lead. “The candidates endorsed by the Committee to Protect Health Care have shown a strong commitment to protecting and expanding essential health care programs, which will provide critical support for the most vulnerable members in our communities. These candidates’ dedication to improving health care access and affordability is crucial for a healthier Wisconsin.”

Find the entire list of endorsed candidates at

About the Committee to Protect Health Care

The Committee to Protect Health Care is a national mobilization of doctors, health care professionals, and advocates who are building a pro-patient health care majority in Congress and in states so that we can live in an America where everyone has the health care they need to thrive. To learn more:

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