Calls for meaningful tax cuts – WisPolitics

The Libertarian Party of Wisconsin (LPWI) is disgusted by the two “major” parties using minor tax cuts as political favors. While the proposal to end taxation on tips will provide minor relief to a minority of workers, a repeal of the 16th Amendment to the Constitution would provide a much more meaningful relief to all workers.

In many places in the country, basic food items are not subject to taxation on the belief that we should not be taxing goods needed for basic survival. The LPWI believes that an income is also needed for basic survival and should not be taxed. Along with a massive reduction in size of government, major tax reductions will provide much more meaningful stimulation to the economy than any government spending bill ever will.

“The Libertarian Party is fundamentally opposed to the use of force to coerce people into doing anything. We think it is inherently wrong and should have no role in a civilized society.Thus we think that government forcing people to pay taxes is inherently wrong.Libertarians advocate for voluntary exchange, where people are free to make their own choices about what to do with their lives, their time, their bodies, their livelihood, and their dollars.If Americans want to give money to the government for one reason or another, they should be free to do so. If Americans prefer to spend their money on other things, then they should be free to do that also.” – Libertarian Party Platform

The LPWI call on all citizens who are struggling financially due to the mismanagement by both parties to demand meaningful reforms that will benefit all Americans, not just friends of politicians. 

For more on the Libertarian Party of Wisconsin, please visit

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