Border security, inflation big issues for Wisconsin RNC delegates

Wisconsin delegates at the RNC in Milwaukee tell WisPolitics border security and inflation are some of the biggest issues for them going into this year’s presidential election. 

2nd CD GOP Chair Billie Johnson of Madison told WisPolitics the United States right now the border is his biggest concern.

“A country without a border is not a country, it’s a land to be infiltrated and conquered. So that’s the number one issue. If you don’t have a country, the rest don’t matter,” Johnson said. 

Kathy Broghammer, who lives in Mequon, also said border security is her top issue, arguing it affects all other areas of American life. 

“The border is the biggest issue for me because that is the top thing,” she said. “It affects every other part of our lives. Having the open border affects the economy, it affects our safety, it affects all the other things.” 

Bob Kordus of Lake Geneva said securing the border and inflation are his top priorities. 

“I’m getting to the point where I’m thinking about retiring and everything else, and I’m watching my nest egg dwindle down, and all of a sudden it’s three, four more years of work and everything else,” Kordus said. 

Asked what appeals to them about Donald Trump as a presidential candidate, delegates said they appreciate his patriotism and business background, among other things. 

“He loves America, he’s not afraid to say what he feels, and …he doesn’t apologize for America. He’s strong. He doesn’t have, you know, perceived weaknesses on the world stage,” said Barbara Finger, who lives outside of Oconto.

Neenah resident George Bureau said Trump “relates to all of us” and is “willing to roll up his sleeves.” 

“He fights for us and he’s willing to call it like it is, bring the truth out, no matter how painful,” Bureau said. “And I think also we can count on him. When he says he’s going to get something done he does. And he surrounds himself with very good people. You can see it in his business, he’s a great judge of people.” 

Don Lee of Franklin said Trump is “first and foremost a Republican” as well as “a businessman who has accomplished much.” 

Broghammer said she’s attended Trump’s inauguration ball, seven Trump rallies and met Trump in 2018. 

“I think he is a patriot, he loves his country, he’s a fighter,” Broghammer said.

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