Agard campaign: Holds press conference highlighting broad coalition supporting her campaign for Dane County Executive

MADISON – Today, Senator Melissa Agard, a candidate for Dane County Executive, held a press conference highlighting her broad coalition of support through the county. Speakers included Zach Brandon, President of the Great Madison Chamber of Commerce, Emily Kuhn, Mayor of Middleton, Tia Nelson, Environmentalist & daughter of Senator Gaylord Nelson, and Anthony Anastasi from Ironworkers Local 383.
You can find a comprehensive list of endorsements HERE
This group, including Senator Agard, released the following statements:
Senator Melissa Agard
“I was proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with the broad, diverse coalition of supporters we have gained across the county. When I announced my campaign – I promised that I would be a County Executive for everyone who calls Dane County home. This is my vision for Dane County – people coming together toward the common goal of propelling our community into the future with growth, excitement, and shared progressive values. We don’t have to choose or pit one group against another. As Dane County Executive, I will continue to create coalitions and honor our county’s heritage.”
Zach Brandon – President of the Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce
“Dane is the fastest-growing county in the state, with upwards of 300,000 new residents expected in the next 25 years. Decisions made today on key issues will impact our economy for years to come,” said Zach Brandon, President of the Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce. “A broad, diverse coalition agrees that Melissa Agard is the right candidate to make those decisions as Dane County Executive. The Chamber board has endorsed her, and we encourage the voters to join us in supporting her in this election.”
Tia Nelson, environmentalist
“I’ve known Melissa for over 20 years as a County Board member, member of the State Assembly, and leader in the Senate. Her kindness, integrity, and dedication to public service has always stood out as has her commitment to addressing our environmental challenges and opportunities,” stated Tia Nelson. “As County Executive I know she will continue the remarkable environmental leadership of her predecessors, Kathleen Falk and Joe Parisi. I know she will work hard for all communities – rural and urban – to prioritize our lakes, clean energy, recreation areas, and the remarkable environmental assets of Dane County. I’m excited and proud to endorse her.”
Mayor Emily Kuhn of Middleton, WI
“Today, I speak as a local elected official – one of many across the county – in support of Melissa Agard for Dane County Executive. Melissa will support Mayors, as well as elected officials from Villages and Towns who know that by coming together we can build toward the common goal of supporting our economy, our residents, jobs, and transportation infrastructure. Melissa will govern with equity focused policies that create coalitions and break down silos. She will honor our values and recognize the diverse interests in every corner of our beautiful county.”
Anthony Anastasi, Ironworkers Local 383
“We in the building trades know that Melissa is the right person for this job because she knows that Dane County thrives and grows with the enthusiastic service of the hard working union men and women that help build the foundation of communities throughout Dane County. She has a proven track record of standing shoulder to shoulder with labor. In order for our community to be safe and prosperous our men and women need a voice at the table. One of Melissa’s sons is a union apprentice – she gets it.”
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