Milwaukee organizations receive donations from RNC Host Committee

RNC Host Committee Chief Operating Officer Alison Prange announces grants to four organizations on Thursday at Fisher House Wisconsin.

The Republican National Convention is over, but its Host Committee may just be getting started dolling out funds that went unspent from the massive event.

On Thursday, Host Committee Chief Operating Officer Alison Prange announced $40,000 in grants to four Milwaukee-area organizations with the potential for more to come down the road once the committee has completed its accounting. 

“They are the first groups to receive charitable contributions following the convention,” Prange said during a press conference at Fisher House Wisconsin, one of the organizations to each receive $10,000. Fisher House provides free lodging to families of veterans receiving care at the Milwaukee VA Medical Center.

She said she hoped the Host Committee, the non-political arm of the convention tasked with raising money to stage the event in Milwaukee, would be able to contribute more but declined to give a sense at this point for how much might ultimately be given away.

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