WisDems: Hovde doubles down on farm bill flub in rant to Vicki McKenna; ‘I’m supposed to have studied [the Farm Bill]?’

Comes as Democrats Run Ads in Rural Communities on Hovde’s Debate Disaster: “I’m Not an Expert on The Farm Bill”

MADISON, Wis. — After losing the debate to Tammy Baldwin last week, Eric Hovde doubled down on what reporters called “the worst moment” of the debate, saying in a post-debate defeat meltdown on the Vicki McKenna show, “I’m supposed to have studied [the Farm Bill]?” In the debate, Hovde saidhe doesn’t know about the Farm Bill, while running to represent America’s Dairyland.

This comes after Tammy Baldwin for Senate went live with a new digital ad highlighting Eric Hovde’s worst moment from Friday’s debate, where he admitted he has no idea what goes into the Farm Bill. 

Hovde has previously suggested farmers are lazy and don’t work hard anymore. Tammy Baldwin received the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation endorsement earlier this month, making her the first statewide Democrat in at least 20 years to receive the organization’s endorsement. 

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