Preserving secure and fair elections! – WisPolitics

Wisconsin has always stood for fair representation and integrity in our elections. That’s why it is crucial to pass a constitutional amendment ensuring that ONLY legal US citizens can vote in Wisconsin elections. This is already state law, but this goes one step further by amending our State Constitution to reflect the law.

On your November ballot, you will be asked a question: Shall Section 1 of Article 3 of the constitution be amended to provide that only a United States Citizen age 18 and older may vote in an election for national, state, or local office or at a statewide or local referendum?

As Republicans, we believe in the right to vote and want to be sure that legal US citizens are responsible for electing their representatives, NOT illegal immigrants who have broken our country’s laws and have no skin in the game. It is up to us to make it difficult to cheat and obscure our election results. We are a nation of laws and if we allow them to be broken without consequence, we don’t have a country left.

This is not a partisan issue. Unfortunately, you are being told by Democrats and Governor Evers that this amendment is unnecessary. That should tell you all you need to know. While the Governor is playing politics, I care about protecting our vote and reserving that right for legal US citizens.

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