3rd CD Democrats of Wisconsin: Statement regarding recent PAC involvement in the primary campaign

The 3rd Congressional District Democrats of Wisconsin are troubled by an out-of district PAC spending money to attack our primary candidates. 

We fully support a strong and robust primary with spirited debate on all sides. We expect substantive differences between our candidates to be discussed and adjudicated. However, an outside PAC spending money to attack our candidates with scary graphics and distortions of voting records is counterproductive and unwelcome in our district. Our constituents want our primaries to be informative and uplifting, and our organization will work to keep these primaries as clean as possible. 

The 3rd CD Democrats of Wisconsin hopes that if PACs decide to spend money in the primary at all, it is to highlight the ways each candidate plans to improve the lives of Western Wisconsinites or to shine a light for voters on the abysmal voting record and significant character flaws of Derrick Van Orden. 

The 3rd CD Democrats of Wisconsin are proud of our excellent slate of candidates running in the primary and are excited to unite behind the winner of the August 13th primary. All of our candidates have the skills and support needed to defeat Derrick Van Orden in November. We must not allow outside groups to distract us from achieving our goal of winning the 3rd CD for Democrats up and down the ballot. 

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