132 True or False Questions (With Answers)

Need a simple yet engaging way to get kids thinking and learning? This list of true or false questions (with answers) is not only fun but also a great way to activate prior learning. Covering a wide range of topics, you’ll have something for everyone—from science and sports to holidays and history. You could even use these questions as icebreakers, brain breaks, discussion starters, or quick challenges for fast finishers.
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Animals and Wildlife True or False Questions
1. True or False: A goldfish’s memory span lasts only three seconds.

Answer: False. In fact, their memory span can last for months!
2. True or False: Sharks are the only fish that can blink with both eyes.

Answer: True.
3. True or False: Penguins can only be found in Antarctica.

Answer: False. Penguins are only found in the Southern Hemisphere, including sub-Antarctic islands.
4. True or False: Bats are the only mammals that can fly.

Answer: True. Unlike the flying squirrel, which only glides, bats actually flap their wings and fly!
5. True or False: Snakes have eyelids.

Answer: False. They even sleep with their eyes wide open!
6. True or False: Alligators can live in both freshwater and saltwater environments.

Answer: False. As NOAA explains, although alligators “can tolerate salt water for a few hours or even days, they are primarily freshwater animals, living in swampy areas, rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds.”
7. True or False: A group of flamingos is called a “flamboyance.”

Answer: True. What a perfect name for them!
8. True or False: Koalas are bears.

Answer: False. Koalas are actually marsupials, mammals with pouches they use to carry and care for their young.
9. True or False: The heart of a shrimp is located in its head.

Answer: True. They also have three pairs of heart entrances!
10. True or False: Octopuses have three hearts.

Answer: True. Blood is circulated around the body by one of the hearts, “while the other two pump it past the gills to pick up oxygen.”
Food and Nutrition True or False Questions
11. True or False: Carrots improve your vision.

Answer: True. Carrots contain beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A (which is good for eye health) by our bodies.
12. True or False: Dark chocolate contains more antioxidants than many fruits.

Answer: True. At least one study showed that dark chocolate contained more antioxidants, flavonols, and polyphenols than the fruits they tested, including acai berries and blueberries!
13. True or False: Cooking vegetables removes all their nutrients.

Answer: False. Some nutrients are reduced during cooking, but many are retained or even enhanced in some vegetables. The cooking method matters!
14. True or False: Eating an apple is a more effective wake-up than drinking a cup of coffee.

Answer: False. While apples, thanks to the fructose, fiber, and carbohydrates they contain, are a great source of slow release energy, a cup of coffee is better at giving you an immediate mental boost.
15. True or False: Honey never spoils.

Answer: True. Learn more about honey’s eternal shelf life.
16. True or False: Brown eggs are more nutritious than white eggs.

Answer: False. The color of the shell does not affect nutritional value.
17. True or False: Avocados are a type of fruit.

Answer: True. It’s a fleshy fruit, not a vegetable!
18. True or False: Frozen fruits and vegetables can be just as nutritious as fresh ones.

Answer: True. They’re often frozen at peak ripeness, retaining their nutrients.
19. True or False: Drinking water before meals can help reduce your appetite.

Answer: True. Not only can drinking water help you feel more full, it also boosts metabolism!
20. True or False: Avocados are high in unhealthy fats.

Answer: False. Avocados contain healthy monounsaturated fats that are good for us!
Geography and Places True or False Questions
21. True or False: Africa is the largest continent in the world.

Answer: False. Asia is the largest continent, but Africa is the second largest.
22. True or False: The Amazon rainforest produces 20% of the world’s oxygen.

Answer: False. Learn more from National Geographic.
23. True or False: Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.

Answer: True. It is considered the tallest peak on Earth, but it’s more complicated than that.
24. True or False: The Great Wall of China is visible from space with the naked eye.

Answer: False. It cannot be seen from space just by looking at Earth.
25. True or False: Australia is both a country and a continent.

Answer: True. Learn more from WorldAtlas.
26. True or False: The Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the world.

Answer: False. While the Sahara is the largest hot desert, Antarctica is the largest desert by area.
27. True or False: Africa is the only continent that is located in all four hemispheres.

Answer: True. It remarkably spans the Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western Hemispheres!
28. True or False: The Yangtze River is the longest river in Asia.

Answer: True. It’s also the third-longest river in the world.
29. True or False: Russia is the largest country by land area in the world.

Answer: True. Canada is a distant second.
History and Culture True or False Questions
30. True or False: Cleopatra was Egyptian.

Answer: False. Cleopatra was actually of Macedonian descent.
31. True or False: The Olympic Games originated in Greece.

Answer: True. They were hosted in Ancient Greece for almost 12 centuries.
32. True or False: Ancient Romans used urine as a mouthwash.

Answer: True. They believed it whitened their teeth.
33. True or False: The U.S. Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776.

Answer: False. It was adopted on July 4, but delegates didn’t start signing it until a month later.
34. True or False: Viking helmets had horns.

Answer: False. According to the National Museum of Denmark, “There is only one preserved helmet from the Viking Age and this does not have horns.”
35. True or False: The longest-reigning monarch in British history was Queen Elizabeth II.

Answer: True. She surpassed Queen Victoria’s record in 2015.
36. True or False: The ancient Egyptians invented the wheel.

Answer: False. The wheel was likely invented in Mesopotamia.
37. True or False: Leonardo da Vinci could write with one hand while drawing with the other.

Answer: True. He was ambidextrous and a noted multitasker.
38. True or False: Sushi was originally invented as a method of preserving fish.

Answer: True. It was a means of preserving fish with salt.
39. True or False: The Colosseum in Rome could hold up to 80,000 spectators.

Answer: True. Read more mind-blowing facts about this ancient structure!
Math and Numbers True or False Questions
40. True or False: Zero is an even number.

Answer: True. This is going to surprise a lot of people!
41. True or False: The sum of any two prime numbers is always even.

Answer: False. This is only true of the odd primes.
42. True or False: In Roman numerals, “L” represents 100.

Answer: False. L represents 50!
43. True or False: Pi (π) is an irrational number.

Answer: True. Check out Live Science’s explanation about it!
44. True or False: A triangle’s interior angles always add up to 180 degrees.

Answer: True. Here’s how to prove it!
45. True or False: The number 1 is a prime number.

Answer: False. Since 1 has less than two factors, it is not a prime number.
46. True or False: There are infinitely many prime numbers.

Answer: True. Learn more from UC Santa Barbara Mathematics.
47. True or False: The Fibonacci sequence starts with the numbers 0 and 1, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two.

Answer: True. Here’s a simplified explanation.
48. True or False: Multiplying any number by zero will result in zero.

Answer: True. Learn more about how zero works.
Science and Nature True or False Questions
49. True or False: Lightning never strikes the same place twice.

Answer: False. While this idiom became a popular way to say something is unlikely to happen again, it’s not true.
50. True or False: Humans and giraffes have the same number of neck vertebrae.

Answer: True. We both have seven vertebrae!
51. True or False: Earth is closer to the sun than Venus.

Answer: False. According to NASA, “Venus is the second planet from the Sun, and Earth’s closest planetary neighbor.”
52. True or False: A day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus.

Answer: True. Learn more about this phenomenon from the NASA Space Place.
53. True or False: Frogs drink water through their skin.

Answer: True. There’s a little area known as the “drinking patch” on their abdomens and thighs where they absorb water directly through their skin.
54. True or False: Water is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

Answer: True. That’s why water is sometimes referred to as H2O.
55. True or False: Light travels faster than sound.

Answer: True. Learn more about why this is true.
56. True or False: Earth is closer to the sun in summer than in winter.

Answer: False. Seasons are affected by the Earth’s tilt, not distance!
57. True or False: All metals are magnetic.

Answer: False. Learn more about which metals and materials are magnetic.
58. True or False: Humans have more bones as adults than they do as babies.

Answer: False. Babies have more bones, which fuse together as they grow.
Sports and Games True or False Questions
59. True or False: Basketball was invented in Canada.

Answer: False. Although it was invented by Canadian James Naismith in 1891, he came up with the idea while teaching at the YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts.
60. True or False: A soccer game is divided into four quarters.

Answer: False. Soccer games typically last 90 minutes, split into two 45-minute halves.
61. True or False: The Olympics are held every four years.

Answer: True. This timing pays respect to the ancient origins of the Olympic Games, which were held every four years at Olympia.
62. True or False: Chess is considered a sport.

Answer: True. Yes! Chess is considered both a game and a sport!
63. True or False: In baseball, there are nine innings in a standard game.

Answer: True. Learn more about why there are nine innings.
64. True or False: A standard bowling game consists of 20 frames.

Answer: False. A game of bowling actually consists of 10 frames.
65. True or False: The World Cup is the most-watched sporting event in the world.

Answer: True. The men’s soccer World Cup has the most viewers internationally, and the women’s event isn’t far behind!
66. True or False: In professional tennis, the server can hit the ball twice if they miss the first serve.

Answer: True. The server gets two chances to hit a good serve.
67. True or False: The Tour de France is a car race.

Answer: False. While there was a Tour de France Automobile sports car race held from 1899 to 1986, the event today is the world’s most difficult and prestigious bicycle race.
68. True or False: In golf, a “birdie” means scoring one stroke under par on a hole.

Answer: True. Learn more about scoring in golf.
Technology and Innovation True or False Questions
69. True or False: The first iPhone was released in 2007.

Answer: True. Learn more about this historic moment!
70. True or False: HTML stands for “hypertext markup language.”

Answer: True. It’s the most basic building block of the web.
71. True or False: Bill Gates invented the World Wide Web.

Answer: False. While working at CERN in 1991, British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee actually published the first-ever website.
72. True or False: Wi-Fi was originally developed for the purpose of improving radar signals.

Answer: True. Learn more about how Wi-Fi sensing became usable tech.
73. True or False: A “byte” is a unit of memory that can store up to eight bits.

Answer: True. But how does a byte differ from a bit?
74. True or False: The world’s first computer programmer was a woman.

Answer: True. It was Ada Lovelace, the daughter of famous poet Lord Byron.
75. True or False: The first-ever email was sent in 1985.

Answer: False. It was actually sent back in 1971.
76. True or False: Linux is an operating system based on Windows.

Answer: False. They are two different operating systems.
77. True or False: Google was originally called “Backrub.”

Answer: True. We’re really glad that name didn’t stick!
78. True or False: The term “bug” in computer science was inspired by a real insect.

Answer: True. Learn more about the incident that inspired the term!
Pop Culture and Entertainment True or False Questions
79. True or False: The character of James Bond was created by author Ian Fleming.

Answer: True. Learn more about how the author created the movie icon.
80. True or False: Michael Jackson’s album “Thriller” remains the bestselling album of all time.

Answer: True. It was released on November 30, 1982.
81. True or False: The Harry Potter books were written by J.R.R. Tolkien.

Answer: False. They were written by British author J.K. Rowling.
82. True or False: In the Star Wars movies, Yoda was originally voiced by Frank Oz.

Answer: True. He also voiced beloved characters such as Sesame Street’s Cookie Monster, Miss Piggy, Fozzie the Bear, and Grover.
83. True or False: The Disney movie “Frozen” is based on a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm.

Answer: False. It’s based on The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen.
84. True or False: Taylor Swift has won Grammy Awards for Album of the Year more than once.

Answer: True. She’s won the award four times so far.
85. True or False: The character Spider-Man was created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko.

Answer: True. Spidey first appeared in the anthology comic book Amazing Fantasy #15 in the Silver Age of Comic Books.
86. True or False: The TV show “Friends” is set in New York City, but the show was filmed in Los Angeles.

Answer: True. They filmed a long way from Manhattan!
87. True or False: Beyoncé was once a member of the group Destiny’s Child.

Answer: True. The group was originally called Girl’s Tyme when it came together in the early 1990s in Houston.
88. True or False: The popular TV show “Stranger Things” is set in the 1980s.

Answer: True. Dive into some theories on why ’80s nostalgia is suddenly so popular.
Health and Well-Being True or False Questions
89. True or False: Drinking water is essential for nearly every bodily function.

Answer: True. Drinking water aids in everything from temperature regulation to cushioning your joints!
90. True or False: The average adult needs 8 hours of sleep every night.

Answer: True. However, this is an average. Some adults may need only 7 hours while others may need 9 hours.
91. True or False: You should brush your teeth immediately after every meal.

Answer: False. The American Dental Association recommends waiting one hour to protect enamel.
92. True or False: Stress has no impact on physical health.

Answer: False. Learn more about how stress affects the body.
93. True or False: Most of the body’s vitamin D comes from exposure to sunlight.

Answer: True. Our bodies convert those ultraviolet rays into vitamin D!
94. True or False: Regular exercise can help improve mental health.

Answer: True. Learn more about the role of physical activity on mental health and well-being.
95. True or False: Eating a balanced diet means including a variety of foods from all food groups.

Answer: True. Learn more about the famous food pyramid.
96. True or False: Smoking cigarettes only affects the lungs.

Answer: False. Smoking can impact nearly every organ.
97. True or False: Sunscreen is only necessary on sunny days.

Answer: False. UV rays can penetrate clouds. Learn more about sunscreen myths debunked by dermatologists.
98. True or False: Laughter can reduce stress levels.

Answer: True. Laughter has many benefits, including helping muscles relax!
Art and Literature True or False Questions
99. True or False: Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” is housed in the Louvre museum.

Answer: True. The beloved painting is housed in the Louvre’s largest room, the Salle des États, in Paris, France.
100. True or False: William Shakespeare wrote 50 plays.

Answer: False. He wrote around 38 plays.
101. True or False: The Harry Potter book series has seven books in total.

Answer: True. However, there are eight Harry Potter films because the seventh book had to be split into two halves!
102. True or False: Van Gogh only sold one painting during his lifetime.

Answer: False. While many believe this to be true, the Van Gogh Museum says the true number is unknown, but it was more than a couple.
103. True or False: “The Great Gatsby” is set in Los Angeles.

Answer: False. It’s set in New York.
104. True or False: Pablo Picasso was a famous painter known for developing cubism.

Answer: True. It was one of the most influential visual art styles of the early 20th century.
105. True or False: William Shakespeare wrote “The Raven.”

Answer: False. It was written by Edgar Allan Poe.
106. True or False: “To Kill a Mockingbird” was published in the 1960s.

Answer: True. It was 34-year-old Harper Lee’s first novel.
107. True or False: The famous painting “Starry Night” depicts a view from a hospital window.

Answer: True. Due to various medical conditions, Van Gogh painted it while living in a hospital.
108. True or False: J.K. Rowling wrote the “Lord of the Rings” series.

Answer: False. J.R.R. Tolkien wrote the beloved series.
Holidays and Traditions True or False Questions
109. True or False: People celebrate Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, by decorating their homes with oil lamps and candles.

Answer: True. In 2024, Indians lit a record number of clay lamps during the festival!
110. True or False: Countries that observe Christmas do not all celebrate it on the same day.

Answer: True. For example, some Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7.
111. True or False: The Jewish holiday Hanukkah lasts for 8 days.

Answer: True. Learn more about the reason why!
112. True or False: Thanksgiving in Canada is celebrated in November.

Answer: False. It is celebrated on the second Monday in October. Find out four ways Canadian Thanksgiving differs from the United States’ Thanksgiving.
113. True or False: Eid al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting for Muslims.

Answer: True. However, the Muslim use of a lunar calendar means that it may fall in any season of the year.
114. True or False: The Lunar New Year is only celebrated in China.

Answer: False. It’s also celebrated in countries like Vietnam and Korea and among other East Asian cultures.
115. True or False: In Mexico, people celebrate Day of the Dead to honor deceased loved ones.

Answer: True. Learn more about the two-day event also known as Dia de los Muertos.
116. True or False: Kwanzaa is a holiday that celebrates African heritage and unity.

Answer: True. Primarily celebrated in the United States, the holiday highlights the importance of the pan-African family and social values.
117. True or False: St. Patrick’s Day was originally an Irish religious holiday celebrating Ireland’s patron saint.

Answer: True. Along with religious services, people celebrate with feasts in St. Patrick’s honor.
118. True or False: In Japan, women give chocolate to men on Valentine’s Day.

Answer: True. Men return the favor, however, a month later on White Day.
119. True or False: Easter is always celebrated in March.

Answer: False. It varies between March and April.
120. True or False: People celebrate Holi by throwing colored powders at each other.

Answer: True. That’s why the Hindu spring festival is known as the Festival of Colors!
121. True or False: Jewish people consider Yom Kippur one of the holiest days of the year, observing it with fasting and reflection.

Answer: True. The holiday is observed with a special religious service and a 25-hour fast.
122. True or False: Many Commonwealth countries celebrate Boxing Day the day after Christmas.

Answer: True. It’s especially popular in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
123. True or False: People celebrate the Persian New Year, Nowruz, on the first day of spring.

Answer: True. It’s a 13-day festival symbolizing renewal and harmony with nature.
124. True or False: Bastille Day in France commemorates the end of the French Revolution.

Answer: False. It celebrates the storming of the Bastille, a key event that started the revolution.
125. True or False: Cinco de Mayo celebrates Mexico’s independence from Spain.

Answer: False. It commemorates the Mexican victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla.
126. True or False: In Italy, La Befana is a holiday character who brings gifts to children on Epiphany, January 6.

Answer: True. In Italian folklore, Befana is a kind old witch who travels by broomstick, bringing sweets and gifts to well-behaved children.
127. True or False: In the United States, Memorial Day honors soldiers who died in military service.

Answer: True. The honor extends to those who served in all military branches.
128. True or False: Carnival, celebrated in countries like Brazil, usually involves parades, costumes, and dancing before the Christian season of Lent.

Answer: True. Learn more about the famous Rio Carnival annual event!
129. True or False: The traditional Japanese holiday Tanabata celebrates the reunion of two star-crossed lovers once a year.

Answer: True. It is based on China’s Qixi festival.
130. True or False: Ramadan, observed by Muslims, involves daytime fasting for a month as a form of spiritual discipline.

Answer: True. Worshipers abstain from eating or drinking from first light until the sun sets.
131. True or False: The Jewish holiday Passover commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.

Answer: True. The holiday commemorates the biblical story of the Exodus.
132. True or False: Oktoberfest, celebrated in Germany, originally began as a wedding celebration for a German royal family.

Answer: True. Incredibly, this event dates back to October 12, 1810.
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