eLearning Unscripted Podcast With Sanja Damiani From eWyse

How Does Culture Tie Into Your L&D Strategy?
What happens when organizations don’t take culture into account when evaluating the success of training initiatives? Which tools and methods can L&D leaders use to gauge their culture before and after eLearning experiences? The fourth episode of eLearning Unscripted features Sanja Damiani From eWyse, the Strategic & HR Director at eWyse. She explains why organizational culture is so important when measuring ROI and ROE for training initiatives and the role that leaders play in shaping that culture.
About This Podcast
How can organizations ensure that cultural measurement is embedded into the training evaluation? How does this aspect of the process fit into the overall framework of your strategy? Here’s a sneak preview of what you’ll hear about in this podcast with Sanja Damiani From eWyse:
- Why is organizational culture important when measuring the ROI and ROE on training initiatives?
- How does measuring organizational culture help in aligning training initiatives with business outcomes?
- What role do leadership and management play in shaping the culture that supports high ROI and ROE in training?
- How can an unsupportive or toxic culture undermine even the most well-designed training initiatives?
- How does Wyse help their clients measure ROE and ROI within the context of organizational culture when creating eLearning courses?
Listen to eLearning Unscripted: Exploring The Link Between Organizational Culture And Measuring Training ROI With Sanja Damiani to explore the link between company culture, ROI, and training outcomes.
You can also check out the webinar Let’s Cut To The Chase And Finally Calculate ROI/ROE, which includes a fake study based on eWyse’s experiences with multiple clients.
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