Let’s face it, people are fascinated by sharks. Whether your students are old enough to watch Jaws or are still rocking out to “Baby Shark,” they’ll still appreciate a good shark-themed activity. If you’re ready to nurture the inner artist in your shark-loving students, get their creative juices flowing with our beloved (or feared) shark drawing tutorial. This video has an accompanying free printable with step-by-step instructions for teaching kids how to draw a shark. Make it a fun Friday group activity or keep it on hand for your fast finishers.
Check out the video tutorial below along with images and step-by-step instructions. Plus, be sure to download the free printable instructions so kids can easily follow along.
How To Draw a Shark Video
There are four easy-to-follow steps below for teaching kids how to draw a shark. They should simplify the process for kids of all ages and abilities.
How To Draw a Shark Step-by-Step
We Are Teachers
Step 1
Start near the top of your paper and make a short diagonal line. Then draw a half-circle shape that will become the shark’s mouth. A small diagonal line should come off of it. Next, starting at the top of the first line you drew, draw a half-circle shape that will begin to form the back of the shark’s body. Leaving a small space, pick your marker up and finish drawing the shark’s body including a tail with two caudal fins. Connect the tail to the very small diagonal line coming off of the mouth. Finally, add a fin in the open space on the shark’s back. Once done, you should have the outline of the shark completed.
We Are Teachers
Step 2
Now we’re going to add two fins. First, add a larger fin in the shape of a slightly curved triangle on the top back of the shark. Next, add a small fin, also in the shape of a curved triangle, on the underside of the shark’s body.
We Are Teachers
Step 3
It’s time to give our shark some personality! We’re going to teach you to make a scary shark, but feel free to make your shark look however you like! Draw a small curved line near the top of the shark’s head. Then draw a small oval under the line and shade the leftmost part of the oval. This will become the shark’s stern-looking eye! Add four lines on the upper part of the shark’s body to show the skin’s texture. Next, draw a curved line connecting the two sides of your shark’s mouth. Then, add some pointy teeth on the upper and lower parts of the mouth.
We Are Teachers
Step 4
We’re going to add a few lines inside the shark’s body for a bit of dimension. Draw a line from the inner fin to the bottom of the tail. Then draw a line on the head underneath the eye and above the mouth. Continue that same line around the smaller back fin. Finally, add some movement lines around the back and front of the shark.
Get your free How To Draw a Shark printable with step-by-step instructions!
Are you ready to save and print your free shark-drawing printable? All you need to do is click the button below to fill out the form at the top of this page and get instant access to the printable.