5 Teaching Concepts For K-12 Educators To Explore

Trending Topics That Are Perfect For Your Next eLI Guest Post
Creating engaging and meaningful learning experiences for students is no small feat, particularly when there are so many modern tech distractions to contend with. Teachers and Instructional Designers are always looking for innovative ways to connect with K-12 learners and make an impact. So, if you’re pondering the next topic to write about, why not offer educators your expert insights on these trending teaching concepts?
5 Teaching Concepts To Write About
1. Overlearning
What is overlearning, and how does it improve information processing? How can teachers incorporate it into their curriculum? Which activities can they use to encourage reinforcement without making the experience so repetitive that learners switch off?
2. Evidence-Based Education
What are the key principles of evidence-based education? Why is it so beneficial for students, and how do scientific research and peer-reviewed studies come into play? Your article can even include practical examples of evidence-based learning and tips to implement them from an Instructional Design standpoint.
3. Learner Motivation
While we often read about employee motivation and engagement, these factors are also crucial in K-12 learning environments. How can eLearning designers develop content that immerses younger learners in the subject matter? What can educators do to personalize the educational process for students with the resources they already have on hand?
4. Barriers To Learning
What are some of the most significant roadblocks that prevent learners from absorbing information and acquiring new skills? How can teachers and curriculum developers utilize modern tech, learning science, and psychology to break down barriers and help students achieve their full educational potential?
5. Just-In-Time Teaching
This is another topic that you hear about quite frequently in L&D circles, but it can also benefit K-12 students by encouraging them to take more responsibility and accountability for their education. What are the other advantages of just-in-time teaching, and how can educators weave it into their more structured learning programs? What are some examples of JIT resources that teachers should consider?
Wrapping Up
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