A crucial tool for election security & trust – WisPolitics

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Drop boxes, a proven means to make voting more accessible and secure, have been unfairly targeted by false claims of widespread fraud. Most recently, it was discovered that the Dodge County Sheriff wrote an email to municipal clerks discouraging the use of drop boxes in their communities. Sadly, many clerks are buckling to this political pressure that, one could argue, is inappropriate interference by an elected official.
It’s time to set the record straight and ensure election administration follows professional best practices, not political agendas. Drop boxes are a secure tool that make voting easier for all Americans, and banning or casting doubt on the jurisdictions that use them only serves to undermine our democracy.
In the 2020 election, amid a global pandemic, millions of voters relied on drop boxes to cast their ballots safely. Nationwide, approximately 41% of all ballots in the 2020 election were returned via secure drop boxes. Despite their widespread use, an extensive review by the Associated Press found no cases of fraud, vandalism, or theft involving drop boxes during the 2020 election.
Despite their effectiveness and security, many states have enacted new laws and instigated new litigation to restrict or outright ban the use of drop boxes. In Wisconsin, a ban on drop boxes was recently reversed by the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Clerks should be allowed to use their professional judgment and experience to determine the voting needs of their community. Partisan politics should not be allowed to intimidate or dilute the truth: drop boxes are reliable, secure, and a convenient means for voters to return their ballots.
The current issues with the United States Postal Service (USPS) only underscore the importance of drop boxes in this election. Election officials recently expressed deep concern in a letter to Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, outlining the delays and operational challenges that USPS is facing. Given these challenges, it’s clear that relying solely on the postal system for vote-by-mail could disenfranchise voters, particularly in the final days of the voting period when timely delivery of ballots by 8pm on Election Day is critical to Wisconsin voters.
Drop boxes provide a direct, secure alternative to USPS for voters who want to ensure their ballots are counted without worrying about mail delays. Instead of attacking their use, we should be expanding access to drop boxes to mitigate the risks posed by postal delays and provide more secure voting options.
Our election systems have robust safeguards. Election officials across the country, including in Wisconsin, work tirelessly to maintain the integrity of our elections, and they follow strict laws and regulations to ensure every eligible vote is counted fairly. When used correctly, drop boxes are one of the most secure ways to vote. They are monitored by election officials, secured by video surveillance, and accessed with strict chain-of-custody procedures in place.
There is no place for partisanship in the administration of elections. Election officials are public servants—our neighbors, friends, and family members—who take pride in their work and are committed to ensuring that every eligible voice is heard. Our elections in Wisconsin are free, fair, and administered by professionals who follow strict rules with extreme accuracy and visibility. Voters deserve access to trusted, credible information, which is readily available from state and local election officials. When in doubt, turn to them for the truth about how elections are run.
Let’s reject baseless accusations, support our election officials, and ensure that every voter—regardless of party—can trust the process. Our democracy depends on it.
– Claire Woodall is a senior advisor at Issue One and former city of Milwaukee Election Commission executive director.
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