DSCC ads call Hovde a ‘jerk’ – WisPolitics

A series of Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ads call GOP businessman Eric Hovde a “jerk.”
DSCC’s new spots knock Hovde for wanting to charge obese people more for their health insurance, along with comments he made about his wealth and those in nursing homes.
The DSCC has almost $1.5 million on the air this week, according to AdImpact. It’s part of a $5.6 million reservation between Labor Day and Election Day.
One spot declares, “Some people are just jerks” but “California millionaire banker Eric Hovde takes the cake” because he wants to charge diabetics and those who are overweight more for their health care. The narrator in the spot asks, “And what kind of jerk would repeal the Affordable Care Act and let health insurance companies deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions.”
In another, a Milwaukee business owner says it frustrates him that Hovde “thinks rich people like him should be the first in line for a tax break.” The ad plays a clip of Hovde in a radio interview saying, “I’m bad because I’m the 1%?”
Another spot features a woman who says she owns adult family group homes and Hovde suggested most of her residents shouldn’t be allowed to vote. The ad plays a clip of Hovde saying those in nursing homes typically have a life expectancy of five to six months and “almost nobody in a nursing home is at a point to vote.” The woman says Hovde would cut Social Security and raise the retirement age while calling him a “jerk.”
A fourth spot features a man who introduces a woman as his Grandma Kim, who “has a lot to say about Eric Hovde.” She says “Mr. Fancy California said he’d absolutely cut Social Security and raise the retirement age.”
The man adds Hovde suggested “most seniors” shouldn’t vote before the spot plays a clip of Hovde saying those in nursing homes have a life expectancy of five to six months are “almost nobody” in such a facility is “at a point to vote.”
Kim closes the spot saying, “In Wisconsin, we have a word for guys like him.” She then holds up a picture of Hovde with “JERK” written across the bottom.
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