Celebrating first day of school, announces hiring of CFO – WisPolitics

MILWAUKEE — On Tuesday, September 3, during the Milwaukee Public Schools first day of school celebration, Milwaukee Board of School Directors President Marva Herndon announced that the district has hired a chief financial officer.
Aycha Sawa, who previously served as the comptroller for the City of Milwaukee, began working for MPS on Tuesday.
The announcement came during the Day One celebration with Governor Tony Evers, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin, State Superintendent Jill Underly, and other dignitaries at South Division High School, 1515 W. Lapham Blvd.
“I’m excited to begin my new role with Milwaukee Public Schools,” Sawa said. “During my tenure as comptroller, I led the strong fiscal oversight of the City of Milwaukee. I look forward to using my years of experience in government auditing, accounting, and management to lead the district’s Office of Finance.”
Sawa began working as an auditor for the City of Milwaukee in 2010. She went on to become internal audit manager, accounting director, and deputy comptroller. She ran for the elected position of comptroller in 2020 and won, becoming the first woman elected to the office in Milwaukee.
As city comptroller — the city’s chief financial officer — Sawa launched Open Checkbook, a program promoting transparency and fiscal efficiency. The Office of Comptroller under her tenure was awarded the certificate of excellence in financial reporting by the State of Wisconsin.
A graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s School of Business, Sawa is a certified public accountant and certified internal auditor. She is the parent of an MPS 1st grader.
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