Announces final round of endorsements for general election – WisPolitics
MADISON – Wisconsin Conservation Voters is proud to announce its final round of endorsements for the 2024 General Election on Nov. 5.
Executive Director Kerry Schumann said this of the endorsements:
“This is one of the most important elections in more than a decade. With new, fairer voting maps, Wisconsin voters finally have an opportunity to choose leaders who will represent their values and be held accountable by who matters most, their constituents.
This last round of endorsements includes candidates who are conservation champions and leaders in their communities. They share our values as conservation voters: clean water, clean air, accessible public lands, an equitable, safe democracy, and the pursuit of clean energy.
These candidates give us hope for a better Wisconsin – and, once elected, they will work hard to achieve it. We’re proud to endorse this most recent slate of candidates who will advocate for a brighter, cleaner, more equitable Wisconsin.”
Deputy Director Seth Hoffmeister added this:
“The time for a brighter, cleaner, and more equitable future is right now. These candidates will stand up for that future. With new voting maps in place, Wisconsinites now have an opportunity to make their voices heard and their votes count.
We’re honored and excited to issue this final round of endorsements and look forward to getting the word out about them heading into the general election on Nov. 5.”
Each of Wisconsin Conservation Voters’ endorsed candidates are thoroughly vetted by staff, board, and the people who call these communities home. For our entire slate of endorsed candidates and election updates click here.
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