WisDems: ICYMI: Ron Johnson feels sorry for billionaires

MADISON, Wis. — Today, at Trump Tower in Chicago, Ron Johnson joined Florida Senator Rick Scott for a press conference to cheer on Trump’s extreme economic agenda to enrich corporations and the ultra-wealthy at the expense of everyone else. Out of touch Ron Johnson even had the audacity to complain that it’s not “easy to be a billionaire.”
“Today’s weird and out of touch press conference from Wisconsin’s bumbling Senator Ron Johnson served as another reminder of just how out of touch Ron Johnson and the GOP are with the everyday realities of Wisconsinites,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Communications Director Joe Oslund. “Ron Johnson should spend more time talking to everyday Wisconsinites and less time buddying up to millionaires like Rick Scott, one of the wealthiest members of Congress. Fortunately, voters from across the country will have the opportunity this week to hear from Democrats including Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz about their vision to make life easier for working families across America—not billionaires.”
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