WisDems: On failure of GOP power grab

MADISON — Tonight, Wisconsin voters rejected yet another attempt by Republican politicians in Madison to grab power for themselves, this time by pushing risky and misleading amendments to Wisconsin’s Constitution. Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler issued the following statement:
“Tonight, voters had the final say. Wisconsinites rejected GOP power grabs, and chose responsive and effective government. Wisconsinites came together to vote down another shameless GOP attempt to award politicians more power at the expense of our first responders, our child care providers, and local communities. Wisconsin Democrats are proud to have organized to defeat these risky and misleading constitutional amendments—marking only the second time since 1996 that a constitutional amendment has been defeated at the ballot box. Republican politicians in Madison pushed these amendments because they recognized their grip on power was waning with new, fair maps, and they were desperate to cement their extreme agenda into Wisconsin’s Constitution. Tonight, Wisconsin voters defeated an attempt by MAGA politicians to bend our Constitution. In November, Wisconsin Democrats will ensure the Republican politicians who pushed this power grab will be defeated as well.”
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