WisDems: ICYMI: Secretary of State Sarah Godlewski, Senate Democratic Leader Dianne Hesselbein, Senate candidate Jodi Habush Sinykin, and Wisconsin seniors hold press call on anniversary of Social Security

MADISON, Wis. — Today, champions for Social Security—Secretary of State Sarah Godlewski, Senate Democratic Leader Dianne Hesselbein, State Senate candidate Jodi Habush Sinykin, and a Wisconsinite from Senate District 8—held a virtual press call to celebrate the 89th anniversary of Social Security and call out Senator Duey Stroebel for his repeated attacks on pensions, Social Security, and retirement.
Speakers highlighted how Duey Stroebel has spent his career targeting working Wisconsinites and their hard-earned benefits. Duey Stroebel supports reforms that would reduce retirement benefits for state employees and praised the destruction of public employees’ rights to collectively bargain over benefits. Elected officials and candidates spoke about their commitment to protecting workers and preserving Social Security in the face of attacks from Republicans like Duey Stroebel. A concerned constituent in Duey Stroebel’s district who depends on Social Security and Medicare to live shared his concern that reelecting Duey Stroebel would jeopardize the retirement security of people in the district.
Watch the recording here, and see what speakers had to say, in part, below:
Secretary of State Sarah Godlewski: “We know how important Social Security is. Three out of ten Wisconsinites rely on Social Security as their only form of income. If we further allow these attacks, by 2030 we’re going to see over 400,000 additional seniors who are going to be in financial despair. We have to take action, and we have to call out Duey Stroebel and his abusive agenda against Social Security. ”
Senate Democratic Leader Dianne Hesselbein: “Duey Stroebel supports raising the retirement age in the Wisconsin Retirement System and for Social Security, and he supports reforms to the Wisconsin Retirement System that would be disastrous and would reduce the pensions of state employees. […] Wisconsinites spend their whole lives working and putting money away towards retirement and towards their pensions. […] Duey Stroebel is wrong for Social Security, and wrong for the state Senate.”
State Senate candidate Jodi Habush Sinykin: “When Duey Stroebel ran for Congress, he advocated for so-called ‘reforms’ to Social Security, including dangerous proposals for privatization. […] Much like Eric Hovde, Duey Stroebel’s agenda risks the future security of younger generations, jeopardizing their retirement savings for the sake of Wall Street profits. […] As State Senator, I will fight tirelessly to defend our state’s retirement systems and ensure that every Wisconsinite can retire with dignity and security.”
Concerned Wisconsinite Perry Duman: “Preserving Social Security is not just an issue that impacts folks in their 60s, 70s and beyond. It is an issue that affects all working people. Young families working hard to support themselves today are struggling to save for retirement. They are paying into Social Security and are counting on those benefits being there for them in the future. […] Duey Stroebel is wrong on Social Security, and he is wrong for the people of the 8th Senate District.”
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