DSCC: Launches first IE ad against Eric Hovde: ‘OC’

Contact: David Bergstein, Tommy Garcia – 202-545-3557
Today, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) is releasing a new ad in the Wisconsin Senate race, “OC.”
The spot “OC” highlights how Eric Hovde is a multimillionaire California Banker who was named one of Orange County’s most influential residents – and how Hovde lives a glamorous lifestyle in California but accuses Wisconsin farmers of not working hard. The ad will reach voters on TV starting today.
The advertisements are part of the DSCC’s previously announced $79 million advertising plan.
Announcer: Eric Hovde. Multimillionaire. California banker. Named one of Orange County’s most influential residents. A glamorous lifestyle. The best parties. Hovde bragged about being in the 1% but accused Wisconsin farmers of not working hard. Now, this California banker wants to buy a Senate seat in Wisconsin. Eric Hovde, what an arrogant, phony fraud.
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