Kennedy’s campaign plans to turn in signatures for presidential ballot access

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign plans to turn in the maximum of 4,000 signatures by Tuesday’s deadline to get on the Wisconsin ballot.
“We’ll be validating them as we do all of our signatures,” Kennedy aide Nick Brana told a virtual media briefing Wednesday. “We’ll be turning that in either on the 5th or the 6th.”
To qualify for the presidential ballot in Wisconsin as an independent, candidates must collect between 2,000 and 4,000 valid signatures from registered voters. They have a window from July 1 and 5 p.m. on Tuesday to collect them and then file the papers with the Wisconsin Elections Commission.
Brana said the volunteer team in Wisconsin collected about 1,800 signatures over a single week.
So far, the Kennedy campaign has sufficient signatures to get on ballots in 42 states. It has completed petitioning in 10 states, submitted signatures in 19 states and certified signatures in 13 states.
Kennedy had planned a campaign stop in Wisconsin earlier this month, but canceled due to “unforeseen circumstances.” The Kennedy campaign told WisPolitics it has not yet confirmed a new date for the visit.
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