H.O.T. Government: Urgent questions for Wisconsin’s State Assembly Representatives and State Senators

As the primary elections approach, H.O.T. Government urges Wisconsin citizens to hold their State Assembly Representatives and State Senators accountable by asking critical questions that impact the integrity of our state’s electoral process.
We encourage you to seek clear and satisfactory answers from your representatives on the following pressing issues:
1. Protection of Meagan Wolfe and Voter Integrity:
– Question: Why are you protecting Meagan Wolfe and the 4 million illegitimate voters that remain on Wisconsin voting rolls, which presents an obvious gateway for cheating to occur?
2. Campaign Donations and Ranked Choice Voting:
– Question: Why are you prioritizing personal campaign donations from Democracy Found Action and supporting their push to bring Ranked Choice Voting to Wisconsin elections, a method of voting that will have detrimental effects on our elections?
To provide transparency on this matter, we have included a flyer listing the names of State Representatives and State Senators who have received campaign contributions from Democracy Found Action. This flyer is submitted alongside this press release for your reference.
If your representatives cannot answer these questions to your satisfaction, it may be time to consider new leadership. Ensuring transparency and accountability in our electoral process is crucial for the health of Wisconsin. Make your voice heard and demand answers.
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