Wisconsin delegate Maly praises Trump for visiting areas Republicans typically don’t go

Dane County GOP Chair Brandon Maly, 24, in a WisPolitics-Wisconsin Eye interview praised Donald Trump for visiting areas he said Republican candidates don’t typically go.
“With President Trump going to places like the South Bronx and North Philly, I think President Trump can make it out to Madison, or the Dane County area in Wisconsin,” Maly said.
Maly said he attended Trump’s rally in the South Bronx in March while visiting family in New York over the weekend.
“I can’t tell you how diverse that crowd was and how much inspiration they sought from that rally because no politician really goes to the South Bronx, definitely not on a presidential level, definitely not a Republican presidential candidate,” Maly said.
Maly said the Dane County GOP is making a big push to engage young voters at UW-Madison and hopes to see some big name surrogates from the Trump campaign ahead of November.
“I think you will see some subsided margins for the Democrats there,” Maly said. “Really they rely on the whole UW System, not just UW-Madison, to juice the vote for them. And if it wasn’t for that very high turnout on Wisconsin college campuses, the Democrats wouldn’t stand a chance in Wisconsin.”
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