Disability Rights Wisconsin: Responds to Wisconsin Supreme Court Ruling on absentee ballot dropboxes

Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW) welcomes today’s Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling overturning the previous ban on the use of drop boxes for the return of absentee ballots in Wisconsin. Today’s decision is especially important for voters with disabilities since they are more likely to rely on absentee voting to cast their ballots than the general public. In fact, for some voters with disabilities, voting absentee is their only option to cast a ballot. While the ability to cast an absentee ballot helps alleviate many barriers for voters with disabilities, other barriers such as transportation and availability of an assistor to return an absentee ballot continue to limit their power to return a completed absentee ballot to the clerk’s office in a trusted and timely manner. The reinstatement of the municipal clerks’ capacity to allow access to drop boxes will help these voters have an equal opportunity to return their ballot in a manner that is safe and secure by providing greater accessibility to them and those who may be assisting them.
Kit Kerschensteiner, Director of Legal and Advocacy Services for Disability Rights Wisconsin, said, “Today’s ruling returns an important option to Wisconsin voters with disabilities to be able to cast their ballot. The ability to access ballot drop boxes will alleviate an important barrier for voters with disabilities and help ensure their vote is counted.”
DRW works to affirm and support the voting rights of voters with disabilities in Wisconsin, including the ability to access ballot dropboxes, and welcomes the opportunity to provide education and support to individuals, families, communities, and organizations across the state regarding these issues.
Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW) is a private non-profit organization that protects the rights of people with disabilities statewide. As Wisconsin’s recognized Protection & Advocacy Organization, DRW is legislatively mandated to provide services to voters with disabilities and ensure individuals with disabilities can participate in every step of the voting process.
More information is available at Disability Rights Wisconsin’s website.
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