WisDems: On Trump v. United States

MADISON, Wis. — In response to today’s ruling in Trump v. United States, Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler issued the following statement:
“Today’s Supreme Court ruling made the election’s already-terrifying stakes even higher. In America, where we fought a revolution to end the dominion of kings, our bedrock conviction is that no one is above the law—not even Presidents. Trump’s hand-picked Supreme Court justices struck down that principle in an instant to benefit their political benefactor. Thanks to the Supreme Court’s decision, Trump’s promise to exact revenge on his political enemies if he regains power has become an utterly credible threat, preemptively blessed by our highest court. This is a red alert moment for America. Trump promised the MAGA movement: ‘I am your retribution.’ In this moment of crisis, arriving on the week of July 4, American patriots need to do everything in their power to ensure that Donald Trump’s dreams of dictatorship end on November 5th.”
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