6 Recent eLearning eBook Releases You Don’t Want To Miss

eLearning eBooks That Are Hot Off The Virtual Press
Spring was a busy season for eBook launches, and we added plenty of new titles to our virtual library. In case you missed any of the latest eLearning eBook releases, we’ve gathered them in one spot so that you can read up on L&D trends, techniques, and emerging technologies. In no particular order, let’s dive into these must-read guides.
6 eLearning eBook Releases To Check Out Today
1. Mastering Enterprise Learning: Unleash The Potential Of Training With The Extended Enterprise LMS By CommLab India
This eBook delves into the dynamic realm of extended enterprise learning, exploring its myriad challenges and offering innovative solutions to empower your organization. Get ready to explore the transformative capabilities of the Extended Enterprise LMS.
2. L&D And Learner Experience 2024 Trends Report By SweetRush
Working with nearly 100 clients across industries gives the SweetRush team a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities in L&D. Download this valuable resource with insights from L&D pros on AI, analytics, LX, and enabling change.
3. 5 Growth Plays For Training Businesses By Thought Industries
Looking for innovative ways to multiply training revenue and expand your audience reach? Discover five tested and proven growth strategies with actionable steps to supercharge your business.
4. Frontline Worker Skills Growth And The L&D Disconnect By Schoox And Lighthouse Research & Advisory
Only 24% of frontline workers agree they have the training they need. Why is that? In this report, Schoox digs in and highlights critical areas of focus for employers who want to engage, support, develop, and grow their frontline workforce.
5. Reconnecting Through Learning: 5 Strategies For A Smooth Transition From Virtual To In-Person Training By ELB Learning
As companies from Alphabet to Zoom enforce “return to the office” policies, many L&D managers are being asked to adjust their training strategy. Sometimes, this involves reducing self-paced or Virtual Instructor-Led Training in favor of more on-site Instructor-Led Training events. Not surprisingly, employees are skeptical of this change. They are reluctant to give up their autonomy and anxious about what to expect. This guide explores how to overcome resistance and encourage people to have an open mind and willingness to learn when shifting from virtual to in-person training.
6. How To Create Accessible eLearning Content By iSpring Solutions
Accessibility in online learning doesn’t just help people with disabilities; it improves the learning experience for everyone. As a result, your training will be more effective, leading to a better-equipped workforce with the necessary skills and knowledge. This eBook offers practical tips on how to make every part of your course—from text and pictures to quizzes and interactions—clear and easy to use.
Are You Looking For More eLearning Reads?
Check out our eLearning eBook library for more virtual guides. There are over 400 titles to choose from, penned by industry thought leaders and L&D insiders.
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