U.S. Sen. Baldwin: Announces $25 Million for transportation and affordable housing project in Appleton

Funding through Baldwin-backed Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will help reconstruct Valley Transit Center and build affordable housing units
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) secured $25 million in federal funding to reconstruct the Appleton Transit Center, improving safety and accessibility, creating jobs, and building more affordable housing options. The funding comes from the Baldwin-backed Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’s Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) program. Senator Baldwin advocated to Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to fund the project.
“I fought hard to bring home this funding to rebuild our outdated infrastructure, spur economic growth, and expand affordable housing options for working families,” said Senator Baldwin. “The new Transit Center will help ensure everyone can get where they need to go safely, make public transportation more convenient, and put housing within reach for more Wisconsinites – creating jobs doing it all.”
The Downtown Appleton Regional Transit Multimodal Hubwill use the$25,000,000 to reconstruct the Valley Transit Center with expanded passenger amenities, ADA features, and transit facilities, as well as improved transit operations. The project plans to build affordable housing units above the new transit center in a future phase of the project. Senator Baldwin submitted a letter of support for the project, which can be found here.
RAISE grants help states, local communities, and Tribal governments complete critical freight and passenger transportation infrastructure projects. The Baldwin-backed Bipartisan Infrastructure Law appropriated $7.5 billion towards the RAISE program over five years. Additionally, Senator Baldwin has fought to secure additional funding each year through the annual appropriations process.
An online version of this release is available here.
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