Pro-Life Wisconsin: Statement on the 2nd anniversary of the Dobbs v. Jackson Decision, June 24, 2024

(Brookfield, WI) – Today, June 24, 2024, marks the 2nd anniversary of the Dobbs v. Jackson U.S. Supreme Court ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade. Pro-Life Wisconsin State Director Dan Miller offered his remarks on this day of hope and action:
On this second anniversary of the Dobbs v. Jackson decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, we celebrate all human life from conception to natural death, and recommit ourselves to working for the day when all of God’s children are safe from the horror of abortion. Dobbs was a declaration to the nation and the world that abortion is not and never was a constitutional “right.” Killing our tiny brothers and sisters in the womb can NEVER be a “right.” The right to life is given to us from God, not the government. Pro-Life Wisconsin is dedicated to preserving this right from the moment of fertilization until natural death.
In celebration of the Dobbs ruling, pro-lifers in Price County gathered on Saturday, June 22nd, at the Price County Courthouse to celebrate life and pray for an abortion-free Wisconsin. Meanwhile, Pro-Life Wisconsin staff joined hundreds of pro-life leaders in Washington, D.C., for the Celebrate Life Conference last weekend and a rally also on on Saturday, June 22nd, at the Lincoln Memorial.
Pro-Life Wisconsin encourages pro-lifers from around our state and nation today to take the time to pray in thanksgiving and recommit to working towards a day in which all preborn children, in every state and without exception, are protected as legal persons.
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