200+ Morning Meeting Questions To Start the Day Off Right

Morning meeting is a must for many elementary (and some middle and high school) teachers. A good morning meeting sets the tone for the day and helps you get to know your students. You can make this time meaningful with morning meeting questions. Post a question of the day. Give students time to reflect and jot notes in a notebook before discussing. Or let students post anonymously on a chart or whiteboard. Here are all the questions you’ll need for a school year full of morning meetings.

Plus fill out the form on this landing page to grab your free printable list of questions along with a free set of Google Slides featuring all of the questions.

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Why Use Morning Meeting Questions?

Morning—arrival and morning meeting—is important for kids as they move into school mode. Morning meetings help kids transition from home to school. During this time, they’re leaving behind anxiety about the day and feelings about whatever happened on the trip to school. Your morning meeting questions are a big part of making this time successful.

Morning meeting questions:

  • Set the stage for the day
  • Foreshadow a fun event or lesson that you have planned
  • Help kids find connection
  • Give kids a chance to share
  • Encourage creative and critical thinking
  • Build conversation and listening skills

Choose the right morning meeting questions and your morning meeting may spark new friendships or interests long after kids have left the rug!

Morning Meeting Question

Morning Meeting Questions To Help Kids Plan

Set kids up for success now and in the future with these questions.

1. What’s one important thing you need to accomplish today?

2. What’s something fun you’re looking forward to doing today?

3. Pick something difficult you’d like to tackle in the week / month / year ahead. What is it?

Morning meeting question: Pick something difficult you'd like to tackle in the week/month/year ahead. What is it?

4. If someone gave you $100, how much would you save? How much would you spend right away, and what would you spend it on?

5. When you look back on today before you go to bed tonight, what do you hope you’ll see?

6. What’s the next book you want to read?

7. What is one thing you’d like to learn today?

8. What school subject is challenging you the most right now, and how can you overcome the challenges?

9. What’s a question that you want answered?

10. How do you plan to spend time this weekend?

11. What achievable goal can you set for yourself today?

12. Set a goal: How many people will you sincerely compliment today?

Morning meeting question: Set a goal: How many people will you sincerely compliment today?

13. Do you plan to go to college? If so, do you have a school in mind?

14. What kind of job do you think would make you the happiest?

15. What non-school subject would you like to learn more about?

16. How do you want to celebrate your next birthday?

17. Is there anything you need to do to feel more organized? What is it?

18. How can you make someone’s day a little better today?

19. What hobby do you really want to try?

20. Do you feel like you get enough exercise?

21. What healthy foods will you eat today?

22. What are you excited to do when you are older?

23. What will you do when you get home from school today?

24. What’s one bad habit you wish you could kick once and for all?

"Morning meeting questions: what's one bad habit you wish you could kick once and for all?

25. How will you practice mindfulness today?

Morning Meeting Questions To Encourage Sharing

Ask kids to share their thoughts and feelings to spark a sense of camaraderie and help them get to know one another.

26. What’s the best place you’ve ever visited?

27. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

28. If you could change one thing about yourself overnight, what would it be?

Morning meeting question: If you could change one thing about yourself overnight, what would it be?

29. What’s your favorite smell?

30. What do you like to daydream about?

31. What is your favorite time of year?

32. What’s your favorite holiday?

33. What’s your favorite book? Movie? TV show? Song?

34. If you could paint your bedroom a new color, what would it be?

35. What is most worrying to you about the world right now?

36. Would you like to run for president? Why or why not?

37. What is your favorite genre of book?

38. What’s the hardest thing about being a kid?

39. Is your bedroom messy or clean?

40. What’s your pet peeve?

41. What’s the best thing you’ve ever eaten?

42. What’s one food you never want to eat again?

Morning meeting question: What's one food you never want to eat again?

43. What’s one school rule you wish you could change?

44. What makes you happiest?

45. When you woke up this morning, how did you feel?

46. If you could be friends with a celebrity, who would you pick and why?

47. In your opinion, what’s the best dessert?

48. What emoji best describes how you feel today?

49. If you could trade places with any celebrity, who would it be?

50. What book would you like to see turned into a movie?

51. What skill are you most proud of?

52. Would you rather have siblings or be an only child?

53. What’s the best gift you’ve ever been given?

54. Do you like group work or individual work best? Why?

55. What’s your favorite memory?

Morning meeting questions: What's your favorite memory?

56. What’s your earliest memory?

57. Would you rather give a gift or get a gift?

58. What’s your favorite game?

59. What two adjectives describe you?

60. Which is your favorite whole-class reward?

61. What family member are you most similar to?

62. What is your favorite thing to do in fall? Winter? Spring? Summer?

63. What’s something you would never give up?

64. Would you rather have a superpower or a million dollars? 

65. If you could only eat one food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a year, what would it be? 

If you could only eat one food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a year, what would it be?

66. Would you rather be able to talk to your past self or future self?

67. What is your best food-related memory? 

68. Would you rather time-travel or be able to teleport to anywhere in the world? 

69. If you could host your own music festival, which bands or singers would you invite? 

70. Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet alien?

71. If you could combine two sports to make a new sport, which two would you combine?  

If you could combine two sports to make a new sport, which two would you combine?

72. Would you rather talk to animals or read people’s minds? 

73. Imagine you are making a sports team with fictional characters. Who would you choose? 

74. Would you rather go to school on a pirate ship or in a castle? 

75. What is the silliest thing you have seen an animal do on an Internet video? 

76. If you could be any age for a day, what age would you be? 

Check out: 250+ Would You Rather Questions for Kids 

Inspirational Morning Meeting Questions

Try these questions to help kids make themselves (and the world!) better every day.

77. Of everything you want to achieve, what do you think will be the hardest?

Morning meeting question: Of everything you want to achieve, what do you think will be the hardest?

78. If you could live someplace else for a year, where would it be?

79. What’s your dream vacation?

80. How do you help others?

81. What motivates you?

82. How do you make yourself do something you really don’t want to do?

83. What would you like to be famous for?

84. What inspirational quote do you think everyone should hear?

85. Who do you most admire?

86. What are you most grateful for?

87. What songs or music do you listen to when you’re happy? Sad?

88. What’s one thing that always makes you feel better?

89. Can money buy happiness?

90. What makes a good leader?

91. If you could teach your classmates how to do something, what would it be?

Morning meeting question: If you could teach your classmates how to do something, what would it be?

92. What has been your proudest moment so far?

93. What makes you unique?

94. What do you like most about your best friend?

95. Who is the kindest person you know?

96. What makes you a good friend?

97. If you could go back in time to see yourself three years ago, what advice would you give yourself?

98. What’s one thing you’ve only done once but would like to do again?

99. What makes you feel loved?

Morning meeting question: What makes you feel loved?

100. Would you rather be the best player on a losing team or the worst player on a winning team?

101. Why is it important to try your best?

102. If you could spend a year anywhere in the world, where would you go?

103. What color represents you?

104. What is the nicest thing someone has done for you recently?

105. Can you tell us a time when someone showed kindness to you or when you were kind to someone else? 

106. If you could invent something to make the world better, what would you invent? 

107. What’s the most inspirational field trip you’ve been on? Why was it inspirational? 

What’s the most inspirational field trip you’ve been on? Why was it inspirational?

108. What is a book that inspired you recently? 

109. Who do you think is an inspirational person? Why?

110. Who is someone in your school or family that inspires you? 

111. What are you passionate about and why?

112. If you could learn from any famous or historical person, who would it be and what would you learn?  

113. What is a cause or effort that you think is important and want to support? 

114. What is the most inspiring movie you have ever seen? 

115. What song has the biggest impact on you? 

Fun Morning Meeting Questions

Sometimes you want to spark students’ imaginations and activate their sense of fun. These questions are just the thing! Ask these questions to help students start off the day with a smile or giggle.

116. What animal do you think would make the best president?

117. If you were a superhero, what would your superpower and name be?

118. Would you rather wear shoes that are two sizes too small or four sizes too big?

119. Do you put the cereal in the bowl first or the milk?

120. When you’re getting dressed, which do you do: sock-shoe, sock-shoe, or sock-sock, shoe-shoe?

121. Which day is really the first day of the week, Sunday or Monday?

122. What’s the worst possible (edible) thing to put on a pizza?

123. If you could rename our school, what would you call it?

124. If you could fly, where would you go?

125. If you could be a book character, who would you be?

126. Would you rather eat pancakes or waffles?

127. How would you survive in a zombie apocalypse?

128. If you had a theme song, what would it be?

129. Would you rather be able to talk to animals or read people’s minds?

130. Would you move to Mars if we built a colony there?

131. If you suddenly found out dogs could talk, what question would you ask them?

Morning meeting questions: If you suddenly found out dogs could talk, what question would you ask them?

132. What are the best burger toppings?

133. Would you ever go skydiving?

134. If you could be any cartoon character, who would it be?

135. What’s the best condiment to pair with french fries?

136. What are the ingredients in the perfect ice cream sundae?

137. If you could create a new emoji, what would it be?

138. If you were traveling to a national park, which national park would you visit?

139. What is one animal you would like to see up close?

140. What would you name your band, and what kind of music would you play?

141. If you had a time machine, would you travel to the past or the future?

142. Who’s the best superhero and why?

143. If you could skip school today and do something else, what would it be?

Morning meeting questions: If you could skip school today and do something else, what would it be?

144. At what age do you think people are really “old”?

145. If you could pick a new name, what would it be?

146. If you could switch places with your pet for a day, what would your day be like?

147. If you were given permission to make a mess, what would you do?

148. If you could make a toy of yours come to life, which toy would you choose and why?

149. If you could choose a class pet, what animal would it be and why? 

150. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? 

151. If you could have any career for a day, what job would you have and why? 

If you could have any career for a day, what job would you have and why?

152. What’s one thing that you wish adults understood about being a kid your age? 

153. If you could meet a historical figure, who would you meet and why? 

154. What would your dream school have? 

155. If you could create a new school tradition, what would it be? 

156. If you could trade places with a teacher, who would it be and why? 

157. If you could add a food to the cafeteria menu, what would it be? 

158. If you could create a time capsule, what is one thing you would put in it? 

159. If you could have any animal as a pet, real or mythical, what would it be? 

160. What is the silliest dream you have ever had? 

161. What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done? 

What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done? 

162. If you could invent a new holiday, what would you invent and why? 

163. What is your favorite board game or video game and why? 

164. What is your favorite way to spend a rainy day? 

165. What magical ability would you like to have? What would you do with it? 

166. If you could have a robot to help you, what would you tell it to do?

167. What’s the weirdest food combination that tastes good to you? 

168. If you could make one chore disappear, which would it be?

169. If you could be the size of a bug for a day, what would you do?

170. What is the best way to spend a snow day? 

What is the best way to spend a snow day? 

171. What’s the most interesting thing you’ve ever found outdoors?

172. Can you think of an invention that would make life more fun? What would it be? 

173. What animal trait (jumping high, running, etc.) would you like to have and why? 

174. If you could go on a field trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? 

Morning Meeting Questions To Start the Week

Use these questions to get the week off to a good start.

175. What are you planning to do during recess this week? 

What are you planning to do during recess this week?

176. What are you looking forward to this week? 

177. If you could have a superpower this week, what would it be and why? 

178. What is a goal you have for yourself this week? 

179. What is something you’d like to learn more about this week? 

180. What is something outside of school that you are looking forward to this week?

What is something outside of school that you are looking forward to this week?

181. How do you plan to relax after school this week? 

182. Think about a goal you have. What progress can you make toward that goal this week? 

183. What is a question that you have for your future self? 

184. What is the most memorable school event you have attended? 

185. If you could spend your week with one fictional character, who would it be? 

If you could spend your week with one fictional character, who would it be?

186. If you were the teacher this week, what is one thing you would definitely plan? 

187. What is your favorite thing to do during outdoor recess? What about indoor recess? 

Morning Meeting Questions To End the Week

The perfect questions for Friday, the end of a quarter or semester, or any time you need to bring things to a close.

188. What is something you’re proud of accomplishing this week? 

189. What is something that made you smile this morning or yesterday? 

190. What challenged you this week? How did you tackle that challenge?

What challenged you this week? How did you tackle that challenge?

191. How did you solve a problem this week? 

192. What was the coolest thing you learned in school this week? 

193. What piece of advice would you give to yourself? 

194. What is one funny thing that happened to you this week? 

195. What is your favorite thing to do outside of school? 

196. If you could go back in time and relive one moment from this week, what would it be? 

197. Can you think of how someone made a difference in your life this week, or how you made a difference in someone else’s life? 

Can you think of how someone made a difference in your life this week, or how you made a difference in someone else’s life?

198. What is one thing that you appreciate about yourself? 

199. Do you have a funny story from this week that you want to share? 

200. Think about a goal you have set. What progress did you make toward that goal this week? 

201. How have you changed your perspective this week? 

202. How was your thinking challenged this week? 

203. What have you learned from a mistake or failure this week (or before this week)? 

204. If you could spend your weekend in any fictional land, where would you go? 

205. What is your best feature right now? 

Get your free printable sheet of these Morning Meeting Questions plus Google Slides!

Gif featuring various morning meeting questions on interactive whiteboard screen.
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What are your favorite morning meeting questions? Come share in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook!

Plus, check out Morning Message Ideas To Get Your Day Started Off on the Right Foot.

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