Rose, Connoes, Obieze, Renk campaigns: Candidates in the largest primary race for Wisconsin Assembly issue statement of concern
Four Democratic Candidates for District 48 Comment on Opponent’s Fiscal Matters Claiming Voters Have the Right to Know
Joint Statement from Rick Rose, Bill Connors, Goodwill Obieze, and Avery Renk:
Each of our individual campaigns has strived to keep our messaging positive and optimistic. We have
spent the past months talking to voters about the issues that matter to Assembly District 48, such as
education, housing, healthcare, and reproductive rights. Each of us have consciously avoided
campaigning against our opponents and instead focused our efforts on campaigning for ourselves.
Over the past weeks, however, each campaign has been flooded with messages from voters concerned
about the other candidate, Andrew Hysell. Based on their concerns, we have come to agree that
Andrew Hysell is not the progressive Democrat that the people of Assembly District 48 deserve as their
representative. We don’t believe he represents the shared values of the people of our District. We
understand voting is a personal choice and respect the decision made by every voter, but we feel it is
important for voters to know this record.
Collectively, our campaigns feel it is important for voters to have information about the background of
Andrew Hysell, specifically:
** Andrew Hysell operated a firm that received grant money from the State of Kansas meant to boost
literacy in children. However, their grant was cancelled when an audit discovered that Andrew and his
partner excessively paid themselves in both salary and travel expenses. The audit suggested there were
“excessive payments” and failures to follow accounting standards and to return unused funds.
** Andrew Hysell has held himself out as a progressive Democrat, yet during the course of receiving
million dollar grants from the State of Kansas, he made numerous contributions to Republican officials in
that state and other states including Wisconsin
** Andrew Hysell has donated to Derek Schmidt, the Republican AG of Kansas who in 2020 supported a
lawsuit that sought to overturn former President Donald Trump’s electoral losses in key swing states by
recycling baseless claims of illegal voting.
The voters deserve to know as much information as possible when they head to the polls next week for
Wisconsin’s primary election on Tuesday, August 13th
We have attached a document of supporting information. We look forward to returning to the positive
messaging at the core of all of our campaigns and getting out and talking to our fellow residents of the
new Assembly District 48.
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