Baldwin ad refutes allegation she’s hiding assets – WisPolitics

U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin’s campaign is up with a new TV ad refuting claims from a conservative group that she’s hiding assets co-owned with her partner.

The ad, which began last week, is in response to a spot from Fix Washington PAC that accuses Baldwin of not disclosing assets co-owned with her partner Maria Brisbane or the clients of the financial adviser. The narrator in that spot says Baldwin doesn’t report co-owned assets or Brisbane’s clients who “get rich off industries that Tammy regulates,” calling it a conflict of interest.

Baldwin disclosed in her report the Washington, D.C., condo they co-own. Her campaign says it’s their only jointly owned asset. They aren’t married, and Senate rules only require candidates and senators to disclose their spouse’s individually owned assets.

The new Baldwin ad plays a clip of the Fix Washington PAC ad as the narrator says it’s a “complete lie” and Baldwin has “never shared inside information with her partner.” The narrator adds Baldwin is “leading the fight to ban senators from purchasing any individual stocks” before knocking GOP businessman Eric Hovde for his bank taking “millions from unknown foreign interests, meaning we’d have no idea who Eric Hovde would really be working for.” 

The spot closes with the tagline Baldwin regularly uses in ads hitting Hovde, “What’s wrong with this guy?”

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